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Tecuma Citlalli (Tech-hu-mah Sit-lol-e)

Tecuma Citlalli (Tech-hu-mah Sit-lol-e) is a player character played by Sageshooter.

Tecuma Citlalli (Tech-hu-mah Sit-lol-e)
Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Height: 5'4“
Weight: 100 lbs
Organization: Bounty Hunter Series
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Rank: NA
Current Placement:

Preferred Plots:

Physical Characteristics

Build and Skin Color: Average frame, nothing stands out really, though her biceps are a bit more defined because of the weaponry she uses. Skin is slightly more tanned then pale.

Eyes and Facial Features: Green eyes with freckles covering her face.

Ears: Normal human ears.

Hair Color and Style: Shoulder length red hair that tends to be very curly and bouncy.

Distinguishing Features: Her hair and freckles (like…lots of freckles…), along with the skin. Her forearms on both arms are also cybernetic from a accident when she was younger.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Angry, pissed, upset, defensive, Loud. Just a few words to describe Tecuma. Picked on as a child for her complexion, she has developed to be very defensive of herself and often punches first before realizing it was a joke. She tends to be angry often, but when she wants too can be relaxed and nice, though usually that's sitting at a bar top with a drink in her hand.


Family (or Creators)

Adoptive Mother: Sister Alexandria


Abandoned on one of the few monastery doorsteps of Nepleslia, Tecuma was raised under the watchful eye of Sister Alexandria and the other sisters of the covenant. Growing up she was teased for her skin and hair color, which, no matter what she did would never seem tan or stay a different color. Freckles rather then a tan adorned her like a joke, telling her that it could, just wouldn't connect and give her a full tan.

As she grew, so did her anger at everyone making fun of not only her skin color and hair, but her size. She barely grew, her body still much like a child even as she hit her teenage years and grew out of them. Constantly mistaken as a child or young teen, she grew annoyed with having to show her card to buy new ammo or guns or smokes, and it grates on her nerves still to this day. Her anger has gotten her into trouble in the past more times then she could count, and is the reason why she has cybernetic forearms and hands.

Around the age of sixteen, she ran afoul of some local gang members trying to make a name for themselves with easy pickings on a girl. Messing with her hair and teasing her, Tecuma went about beating the crap out of the three would be gang members. They ran back to their boss who saw it as a insult, and decided to make a example out of her. Holding her down, her arms were cut off just above the elbow with a machete, and tossed aside as she screamed. Dumped back on the steps of the monastery she was luckily found and healed, gaining cybernetic forearms in the process. After her rehab, leaving the monastery, and buying a few heavy weapons she made good on her anger and destroyed the small base in a childish anger.

The police oddly were thankful for her, doing so, paying out a small bounty that had been placed on the hoodlums, and thus Tecuma, the bounty hunter, was born!



Tecuma can speak Nepleslian, and some broken Japanese from some old cartoons she used to watch. She is able to send messages when needed, use radios in the field, and use some basic ship based communication systems.


Tecuma learned from a young age to fight, and fight dirty. Because of her size she was forced to use whatever natural advantages she could obtain which came from her size, and later from her grip. She also has a penchant for large weapons, mostly chain guns, rocket launchers, grenade launchers and heavy artillery. The bigger the boom, the louder her childish squeal of delight.


Tecuma is used to urban survival, able to figure out vantage points and ambush spots when needed, and has spent some time out in the wilderness in efforts to understand and master how to survive pretty much anywhere. Able to build fires and shelters, she will never go without a place to sleep when she needs it.


Sometimes her small size comes into play well. Having spent much her life on the streets of Nepleslia when away from the Monastery (When she was able to sneak out from the lessons of course) Tecuma has picked up ways to pick pocket and pick the locks of doors. She's able to swindle those she talks with, using her looks and a few well placed tears from time to time to devastating effect.


Running and fighting on Nepleslia for so long would turn even the biggest of slobs into a in shape person. Able to run and jump with some of the best due to running from angry shop keeps or gang members, Tecuma can scale a fence or ladder with ease. She can also swim fairly proficiently, one of the few luxuries the Monastery had on hand.


Along with enjoying large guns, she enjoys large explosions too. Able to set up and handle most types of small explosives, she can even make them if she has the right ingredients, and sometimes a small guide or how-to.


Tecuma did learn after a while how to cook, seeing it as a skill she might need later on in life if she were to ever leave. Able to cook most easy dishes, she won't make a four course full spread, but she won't burn the dish either.


Tecuma Citlalli (Tech-hu-mah Sit-lol-e) has the following items:


Tecuma Citlalli (Tech-hu-mah Sit-lol-e) is currently a NA in the Bounty Hunter Series.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
6000 DA 0 0 Starting Funds
6000 DA 0 - 1300 DA Purchases

OOC Discussion

For the Bounty Hunters. She has Cybernetic arms from the elbows down which help her to handle the larger weapons she uses.

Character Data
Character NameTecuma Citlalli (Tech-hu-mah Sit-lol-e)
Character OwnerSageshooter
Character StatusInactive Player Character