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Samson is a player character played by Cordinarr.

Species & Gender: ID-SOL Male
Date of Birth: YE 35
Organization: ISS Dig-It
Occupation: The Muscle and Pilot
Current Placement: Dig-It

Physical Description

Standing at 7'10“ and weighing in at 285 lbs, Samson has olive colored skin, dark hazel eyes, long black hair that falls down to his shoulder blades paired along with a beard that flows down to his chest. The beard is often braided and kept in place with skull beads, while the hair on top of his head is held in place with hair ties. Coarse hair covers the rest of his body.

His left and right arms are covered in full sleeves of tattoos. The tattoos on the left depict battles with ancient beasts, man against man, and victory. The right hand depict the pantheon of gods and the war of end times. Each end at the wrist and shoulder with runic writing. The left wrist says, when translated, “I have power” with the shoulder finishing with “Through the widsom that I wield”. The right wrist writes “I have strength” ending in “With the responsibility that I carry”. His torso has small scars of old cuts and gashes.

He'd look like your average Nepleslian, just increased a few sizes.


Samson is quite serious most of the time. Not understanding metaphors, or jokes, he takes everything at face value. This can lead to some being on the bad side of his anger. Quick to retaliate any slight with his fists and muscles, his anger isn’t easily tempered. Those that have been around him have quickly learned that not speaking back is easier than trying to make amends. Not easily forgiving, and harder to get to forget, Samson has adopted some techniques to quell his anger and burn off the ID-SOL energy. Wrestling is one form (when he finds a poor soul to accept his challenge), push-ups, shadowboxing, and other forms of vigorous exercise help him calm himself and relax. Samson has tried meditating but has found he is too impatient for it to work.

While his literal mind may be a hinderance in some cases, in others it’s a boon. When given orders, Samson follows them to the letter not ignoring any minor detail to complete his task fully. Pre-flight checklists, learning new fighting techniques, and operating any weapons with efficiency are where his thinking comes into its strengths. On the battlefield or in serious training, Samson is cold-stone faced with determination, his quick decisive movement that shows no hesitation as he cleaves through whatever enemy that may be in his path (if they don’t move away first). That is until, however, he reaches his breaking point. When his eyes film over with a bloodlust, little can stop him until he has killed enough or has been killed.


Samson was born in YE 35.

Given his close ties with the X-Tech arm of NAM, Rear Admiral Veles used his power to attain the necessary information to jumpstart an ID-SOL program using his own private research company, Onyx Corp. Dubbing program “Jomsviking”, Veles and his engineers began to grow and create an ID-SOL that would be reminiscent of the old ones while adding a few abilities to make it on par with a Neko. Thus Jomsviking 03.15 “Samson” was successfully created.

Soon after he left his tank, Samson was put to the test. He drove vehicles, mechas, power armor, and fired all weapons that were out in the field, and ones that were still prototype. Veles thought that if a weapon in its prototype stage could survive an ID-SOL test then it could be put into mass production. However, putting Onyx’s inventions through the ringer wasn’t Veles primary objective to creating an ID-SOL. With Samson, Veles planned to create an army of ID-SOLs, march through Nepleslian Prime and take it by force. With an unstoppable army of super soldiers armed with weapons that have never been seen or used before, Rear Admiral Veles was well on his way to taking control.

However, there was a leak. An email sent, a rumor spread, or even a drunken slurred word spoken alerted the new Primer, Gaelan Sanders, to this development and his action was swift. Ordering the project shut down, Veles and his engineers arrested, the data and research erased, and the ID-SOL killed. All had gone according to plan, but when the task force reached the ID-SOL, they were reminded what an ideal soldier truly is. Samson was a flurry of bullets, swords, fists, mechas, and power armor before making his escape in a space faring vehicle. To him, there is only “fight to flight” as the Nepleslian government has put an all points bulletin out on his vehicle, marking him a wanted man.

Social Connections

Samson is connected to: Rear Admiral Veles (Benefactor “Father”)

Engineer Manchester (Researcher/Creator)

Enginner Forthen (Researcher/Creator)

Operator Shelly (Handler/Care-taker)

Operator Kevin (Handler/Care-taker)

Skills Learned


Being Onyx's go-to test pilot, Samson had a hand in piloting all of their ships and vehicles. Mechas, tanks, trucks, stealth ships and cars, going through pre-flight check lists are engraved to his memory.

Onyx didn't have him only fly them, they also had him fight in them as well. Knowing when to “Fight” or “Flight” is critical in gathering data for improving a vehicle and an ID-SOL mind is perfect for that situation.

Starship Operations

Samson was tasked with learning and keeping up with modern starship operations in case he was ever assigned duty aboard one, or if he had a long flight all alone for an operation. He can map his course, set the autopilot, quickly repair damaged pieces (short term repair that is), as well as know what supplies are needed for what mission.


It doesn't matter the fighting, Samson excels at it. Boxing, mixed martial arts, graeco-roman wrestling, fencing, pistol dueling, small weapons, heavy weapons, Power Armor, etc. Fighting to Samson is as natural to him as breathing is to everyone (he still breathes naturally).


Onyx had difficulties adjusting to Samson's level here. Even with previous ID-SOL data, Samson still managed to break expectations. He lifts more than his body would suggest, moves far more gracefully than physics should allow, and runs faster than your mind can calculate a response.


Being an ID-SOL, they are made for sturdy stuff, which is why Samson got a lot of hands-on training disarming bombs. Then he got hands-on training on how they were made, and setting them. With this training, Samson got a few tips on how to create explosive from house-hold items and how to jury-rig a few other munitions to create an explosive.

He also knows the proper handling of explosive for transit.

Survival and Military

Samson has been given the proper training on what to do if stranded on a planet for an indeterminate amount of time, how to make a radio to signal a beacon, hunt for food, and utilize supplies.

ID-SOL Abilities

The following are ID-SOL abilities that were grown a part of his body from previous ID-SOL versions and some additions given the progression of Nekos.

Environment Adaptibility

Utilizing the Super Y-Chromosome’s ability to grow hair, Samson’s body adapts to suit the environment. The colder the environment, the body grows more hair to warm his body; vise versa for hot areas, he loses more hair to cool his body via sweating more. This, however, can only go so far, in extreme cold he still needs suitable gear and in hot temperatures, he can only lose so much hair before he succumbs to heat exhaustion. His skin reacts to radiation and acid to be twice as resistance than the normal soldier.

Above this, Samson can hold his breath underwater for seven minutes, and survive in space for 3 minutes. Any longer in both environments inflict large amount of strain on the body akin to other humanoids.

Dense Muscular Structure/Skeleton

Samson’s tightly woven muscles and reinforced skeleton allow him to lift and carry up to 1500 kg, and also allow him to lessen the impact of bullets. Whereas solid projectiles would leave a gaping wound in a soldier, Samson is able to shrug it off as if it was a minor bullet wound. Anti-tank rifles, and other heavy weaponry still does massive damage. This all comes to the cost of his ability to swim however, so Samson does his best to avoid water.

Efficient Digestive System

Keeping a form together like Samson’s requires large amounts of food, thankfully Samson can eat almost anything to satiate his hunger. Samson requires 1/4 more food than the average humanoid, however only produces 3/4 of the waste. Given his stomach acid’s ability to break down almost any compound to it’s basic form, Samson is heavily resistant to being poisoned. He is not a picky eater either.

Battle Frenzy

When heavily damaged, and all hope seems to be lost, his Super Y-Chromosome taps into the power of testosterone. Entering a blood haze, all Samson knows is blood, iron and fury. He loses all sense of battle tactics, and begins to attack any and all around him. Friend or foe, he ignores all but the most grievous wounds, and even then he still fights on. He does not stop until those that had started his blood rage are killed or he is killed. While in this mode, his body is pushed beyond it's normal limits, swinging harder and faster he also is at a risk of damaging himself as his tendons rip themselves to shreds, and his bones can crack under the force that he delivers blows.

Inventory & Finance

Samson has the following items:





A Greatsword that is wielded like a Longsword by Samson, it is one of a few weapons that he took with him. Carving through man and machine alike, he had practiced with it for years. When it was time for him to make his escape, he took it with him slaying all that would bar his path. Along the blade there are runes that spell “Vengeance” that glow blue when the Power Field is activated.

Electrified Knuckledusters x2

IPG Operator Assault Rifle Model 01

Dark Green Tank Top

Tactical Khakis

Combat Boots

Camouflage Socks

OOC Information

In the case Cordinarr becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameSamson
Character OwnerCordinarr
Character StatusNPC Available for GM or FM use
PlotsISS Dig-It (Plot & Ship Info)
Approval Thread…