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Beldagor is a player character played by Commissar Farzi.

Species & Gender: Valhallan Male
Age : 18
Organization: Yugumo Merchant Spacy
Occupation: Engineer
Rank: Engine Cadet
Current Placement: Motoyoshi Rising

Character Description

Beldagor is a thin, wiry man, shaved bald and with a wicked burn scar that runs down the front of his chest which comes from his armoring, where he received a burn from a coolant line that sprung a leak. His features are fair-skinned, weathered, and sharp, and his grey eyes glitter with curiosity. He has a number of ritualistic tattoos-mostly that of machinery.


Beldagor is extremely friendly, if somewhat prejudiced-mostly due to his upbringing, and this can often blind him at times to advice that would otherwise save him some work. His nature as a warrior also at times clashes with his occupation, as he occasionally challenges his fellows for slights against his honor-something that often leads him into trouble more often than not.


Sent as an experiment by Albert Steiner as a means to see how well the Valhallan civilian population would be able to integrate with the peoples of Kikyo. To that end, and the fact that the Yugumo Corporation needed individuals the crew their new ship, the sentinel after some negotiation sent what he saw as arguably the safest choice-an engineer.

Beldagor is an Eradani-a techno-barbarian tribe hailing from a cluster of coreward worlds bearing the same name as the tribes. While he may seem an odd choice-the Eradani's tendency to treating machines as living entities, and the “Armoring” a ritual that required an individual to not only build but use and survive the activation of their armor to be considered a man. Beldagor is extremely friendly, \if somewhat prejudiced-mostly due to his upbringing. How this will impact things going forward is unknown.


^ Beldagor's KAIMON Ascendant Companion ^^

KAIMON/Ascendant Companion
Image of Most Used Projection The drone, which he calls Steelbender-its most common projection is that of a woman dressed in ritualistic garb. Steelbender tends to be patient but firm with the rather, at times, pig-headed and superstitious Beldagor. However, the drone's patience can wear thin and it will occasionally go out of its way to be obstructive.
Attachments Engineering Industrial Attachment
Access KAIMON Network.

OOC Information

This article was created on 2023/09/30 05:29 using the namespace template. Art by Midjourney AI.

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