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Ricco’s Diner

Founded by Ricco Baker name, a former Neplesian Marine with a penchant for cooking. Known primarily of its greasy yet delicious food, near ubiquitous locations, and all hours operation, Rico’s Diner is a Neplesian favorite.

About the Ricco's Diner

24 hour breakfast restaurant Eclectic menu, fights that are often posted on the InterNep, late night meals while drunk or high.

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“Always Open”

General Information

Ricco’s Diner
CEO Ricco Baker
Faction Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia
Product Symbol Rd


Ricco's Diner has a large HQ Campus in Funky City on Neplesia.


There are literally tens of thousands of restaurants across Planet Neplesia and its colonies. There's debate if there are more Ricco's or gun stores in Funky City. Additionally, they have a number of logistics hubs, regional and district offices, and a massive HQ Campus that acts as HQ for Logistics, Colonial, and Special Ops Commands


A Ricco’s Diner employee at one of their many restaurant or food truck locations is issued:


Structured like a paramilitary Each restaurant functions as its own platoon responsible for day to day operations. Four restaurants nearby are grouped into a company and are supported by a support center that handles administration, logistics, maintenance, intelligence, and IT for the area. The sheer number of Ricco’s in an area allows for easy administration

The structure repeats itself up to regional and planetary commands, each with their headquarters and support elements. These are subordinate to a Central Command


Merch Store

OOC Notes

Locked 0ut created this article on 2022/11/10 09:35.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

Uses an abbreviation of Lianjia to avoid confusion with NorthCom
Get ‘em crispy
we have so many eggs
most customers are at odds as to whether or not it is actually peach flavored
plates not included