Table of Contents

Dedicated Field Medic Kit, Type 43


Designed by CSAR personnel, the dedicated field medic kit is heavier than the Star Army Medical Kit, Type 31 in current use. The DMFK began its life as a combination of standard issue gear that Star Army Medical and EMS trained personnel had found worked well in the field, components from civilian med kits and med kits carried by foriegn military units sourced on the open market, and various items discussed on SYNC boards and eventually tested by medical and EMS personnel tested for themselves. The kit included parts cannibalized from the Star Army Type 31 kits and Emrys EM-G16-1A/1B Medical Kit among other gear.

After years of battling back and forth with SAMA, SATA, and Logistics about the use of outside equipment, the troops won out. The creation of SASO resulted in a military command that would champion research into innovative techniques. Championed by SASO as well as elements from SAMA and SARA the kit went into trials to be used with SASO units and select Rikugun units. Because of political issues affecting the mass purchase or production of certain items, the DFMK isn’t a widely issued kit yet.


The DFMK is generally intended to be carried by a Power Armored soldier. However, if an unarmored soldier is carrying one they might limit the other equipment they’re carrying, or choose to have the pack ride on a vehicle or support drone. These kits can be supported by more dedicated sub kits such as the CBRNE Response Kit Type 43, Space kit (Vacuum Exposure, and low G equipment) Type 44, Burn Kit, Frostbite kit, heat stroke kit, Uncommon species kit (dedicated for species with specific medical needs such as Senti) etc. Sub kits contain medicines, tools, and protective gear that are useful in specific situations but might add excess weight and clutter for a primary pack.

Additionally the Type 43 Star Army IFAK and Rikugun IFAK were approved to supplement the Type 43 DFMK. The primary difference is that the SAIFAK includes equipment for injuries related to rapid depressurization.

Some items might serve similar functions but for various reasons (adverse side effects, more or less severe injury) a medic will use their discretion about which tools to use.


The primary DFMK includes:

Personal Protective Equipment

Patient assessment tools

Blood loss prevention/Stop the bleed gear

Airways, Breathing, and Circulation

General health

Miscellaneous Gear


OOC Notes

Locked 0ut created this article on 2022/09/24 06:22.

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