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Murasaki Orbital Shipyards Logo

A Murasaki Keiretsu Subsidiary

The substance kurokotetsu is an advanced structural material that is used in the creation of numerous kinds of equipment and vehicles. It is manufactured by Murasaki Technologies and Murasaki Orbital Shipyards. Kurokotesu first became available for purchase in YE 36.

About Kurokotetsu

Kurokotetsu Ingots

Kurokotetsu is a substance that is mass produced by the Murasaki Keiretsu. Used primarily as armor or as structural framework, it is very similar to ADNR (Aggregated Diamond Nanorods) due to the fact that it is little more than a gravity-compressed allotrope of carbon. Due to the fact carbon is a relatively abundant element and fairly easy to acquire, kurokotesu is inexpensive to manufacture.

In the creation process, sheets of pure carbon nanotubes are woven and then subjected to ultra-high pressure through the use of powerful gravity generators and mass manipulation. The resulting material is an incredibly dense substance capable of withstanding extreme levels of radiation and powerful kinetic impacts. The term kurokotetsu is from the Yamataian language and literally translates as 'black armor' – the material is so named due to the fact it was first conceived for use as protective armor, and beacuse its color after the manufacturing process is black until it is recolored or painted.

Kurokotesu was initially developed for integration into new starship and station designs for Murasaki Orbital Shipyards. The material is also intended for use by other divisions of the Murasaki Keiretsu and is additionally available for purchase by any organization that has friendly or neutral relations with the Yamatai Star Empire.

Characteristics and Properties

General Characteristics

Type: Metallic Allotrope (Element 6) Designations: Kurokotetsu (Yamataian) Manufacturer: Murasaki Orbital Shipyards and Murasaki Technologies Average Retail Price: 4.75 KS or equivalent currency per kilogram

Physical Properties

Phase: Solid Density: 31.3 g/cm3


Damage Rating Modifier: 0.8 Base Structural Points Speed Modifier: 0.4c Maximum Starship Speed

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2012/08/05 01:43 by Khasidel.