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Qi Acrium Dominion

The Qi Acrium Dominion is an NPC faction created by Andrew and Yuuki.

The Qi Acrium Dominion (QAD) is a Totalitarian Dictatorship ruled by the Qi.

Qi Acrium Dominion
Need Flag
Capital The Greater Xian
Population ??? Trillions
Head of State Xal
Government Type Totalitarian Dictatorship
Formation YE 09
Current Year YE 42
Currency Tiacai Credit (TC)

About The Qi Acrium Dominion

About the nation founded by the Xal of the Qi.

The Fall of The Qi Commonwealth

In YE 08, The civil war between the Qi Commonwealth and the Revolution of Aduni ended with the victory of the Qi Commonwealth. The victory was short-lived, however, when two days before the member star systems were to vote, incumbent Prime Sinaeas was assassinated while attending the theater in the capital city of Xian. With an economy and people broken by the violent civil war, the people were desperate for change, for the return of economic stability to the Qi nation.

With confidence lost, and a weak secondary pick by the centrist party Prime Sinaeas had belonged to, the minds and ears of the voting population were open to the radical change suggested by the far-right nationalist party of Xal Naijod. The Xal promised change, control of the economy to rebuild the fallen worlds of the Qi Commonwealth that had been ravaged by war, a united military force that would restore law, and protection against invasion from spacefaring nations in the region. Several weeks later, at the beginning of YE 09, the Qi went to the polls and the Xal Niajod won the election by a landslide.

Rise of the Xal

The Xal Naijod was quick to make a change, from Prime Xal to Xal the singular name held more honor in Qi tradition. She delivered on her promises; she strengthened the economy by bolstering a massive military budget, invested in the infrastructure of the cities of the Commonwealth and put the citizens back to work. Day by Day her government grew stronger, assimilating private Corporations and businesses in the name of maintaining the momentum of the growing economy.

It was not long before the stage of economic stability was not enough, as opposition began to rise the Xal handled it swiftly and violently. Those who questioned the government, who refused to support her rule either disappeared or were executed as traitors. In the commonwealth transit between worlds became restricted as the power-hungry Xal and her supporting military staged an invasion from a nearby Star Systems. Clouded by the benefits of economic stability and with a suspected threat looming, the people of the Qi Commonwealth were quick to attend the polls on all member worlds to instate special powers to the Xal. National elections were halted, the full powers and controls of the Commonwealth were handed to the Xal.

General Tiacai: The Hero of The People

In YE 20, eleven years after special powers had been granted to the Xal, the power remained in her hands. The Nationalist agenda was pushed and enforced. Those who opposed the Xal were put to death and it was in the benefit of the people to report traitors or unauthorized aliens who visited their worlds. Through extensive advancements in technology, some developed in the nation, and others were stolen from other factions, the Xal bred her own soldiers. General Tiacai was one of the first successes to the Xal's soldier program, she gained quick fame with the people as she paraded with the military and brought swift justice down on those who opposed their beloved Xal.

As General Tiacai's popularity grew, the Xal became jealous of the very soldier her program had created. In an act of conspiracy, she had General Tiacai's shuttle destroyed on route back to the homeworld from a skirmish in a nearby system. The Xal then used the tragic death of General Tiacai to once more rally the people. She condemned off worlders, shut down alliances and trade agreements and formed a new nation under the premise that the Qi could not be run from their dominion. She named the new nation's currency the Tiacai Credit and installed herself once more as Xal. The traces of the Commonwealth had faded, and the Qi Acrium Dominion was born.

The Qi Acrium Dominion

From YE 20 until YE 38, the Xal continued to consolidate power. The Qi continued to develop their technology and went to war with nearly every nation in their region of the Kagami Galaxy. The biosynthetic engineering research continued and developed, more and more soldier species designed to serve the Xal in her wars were created. Nations fell at her feet and became her subjects, hostages to her dictatorship and bound by her laws.

In YE 34, the Qi Acrium Dominion made first contact with the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia. A vicious and brutal war between the Xal and the Kingdom raged on until YE 37 when the Xal determined that the remains of the Kingdom were no longer worth her pursuit, that the resources within the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia had been exhausted to the point that the war was no longer worth fighting. The Qi Acrium Dominion retreated from the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia, and left behind watchful eyes to observe King Kalapom and the Kuvexian Military.

When the war was declared between the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia and the Yamatai Star Empire in YE 38, the watchful eyes of the Xal continued to observe. Over time as the war progressed, the flow of goods from conquered Yamatai Star Empire star systems began to flow into the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia. Unike King Kalapom, the Xal understood the benefit the strategy of waiting, and watching. In YE 42, the Xal ordered a fleet to follow the forces of the Kuvexian Military to the Kikyo Sector.

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2020/02/04 07:01.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.