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Hi'tan'she Class Science Vessel

:!: WIP: This article is a work in progress and is not yet approved for usage in the RP.

Designed in EE 001-v for the Shukara Volunteer Navy, the Hi'tan'she class of science vessels fills the role of scientific exploration by providing it with more advanced sensors than those found on traditional vessels. At the same time, the Hi'tan'she was designed to also be more than capable of self-defence.

About the Hi'tan'she

The Hi'tan'she is a large five hundred and fifty meter long ship with advanced sensors and shielding systems, it was designed to serve both in the role of a science vessel but also as an experimentation platform for new weaponry and systems.

Unlike traditional ships, the Hi'tan'she is equipped with an array of different types of weaponry, including two forward mounted cannons, six medium turrets, and four new 'blister' mounts. It also comes with four engine mounts, giving it a boost in speed.

Because of its nature, the ship is actually encased in several different layers of armor depending on the importance of those sections. However, for the most part, nearly seventy percent of the ship utilizes Cynestran armour, while the remainder uses both light and heavy armor.


Conceived in EE001-v, the Hi'tan'she is the brain child of She'tanora Cresno'lane, the creator behind the She'tan'ora hybrid exploratory vessels. Creno'lane felt that the military needed something else, something that could serve a much bigger role than the ship he had designed originally, while still maintaining the combat capabilities. With an advanced array of sensors and communications equipment, coupled with improved shields and weaponry, Cresno'lane ensured that the ship would be able to not only defend itself in ambushes or straight on attacks but could also use its equipment for both passive and aggressive means.

To accomplish this task even more, the designer had 'gunports' built into the ships design, while these ports are useless for infantry due to their weaponry being rather useless against starship and in most cases fighters. That isn't the case for vehicular born weaponry such as assault and heavy tanks, or even those from star fighters, the gunports essentially give the ship additional 'stationary' turrets that can increase its firepower by a small amount. In ground engagements, the gun ports can be used by infantry to provide suppressive fire on enemy positions - ideal for snipers. The designer build the cargohold to be in the same place it was on the She'tan'ora, located at the rear and bottom, however a few long and wide corridor was also created that runs from the back of the ship to the front that has a secondary boarding hatch. The designer did this to help reduce the amount of time needed for the ship to be resupplied but also to allow any tanks on board easy access to those gunports.


The ship looks like a straight pencil with rings jotting out the rear section that is slightly bulged outward, the front section has two smaller wings that come out with two circular 'pods' attached to them, these pods are the two front mounted cannons. There is an additional elongated bulge directly beneath the front that houses the ships primary sensors. The wings house more sensor equipment and also the ships fold-drive stabilizing field that allows it to project its field to nearby ships.


The Hi'tan'she is feature rich, being a brand new vessel with new weaponry and equipment. It comes with two forward firing cannons, six medium and ten light turrets, and four blister mounts - which are new weaponry. It also has four forward firing missile mounts designed exclusively for missiles, along with a single torpedo mount. It has four engines, which give it an impressive speed boost over traditional vessel. Its wings house a specialized fold-drive stabilizing field that can allow the ship a limited form of 'group' FTL. Located in the rear is the cargo and vehicle bays, the bay is large enough to house twenty vehicles. Above that bay is the shuttle-bay, this shuttle-bay has room for four shuttles and four star-fighters.

Located toward the front is the ships sensor spike, which houses the majority of the ships sensors behind heavy armour plating designed specifically to not block the sensors ability to perform its job.

Statistical Data


Class: Science and Experimentation Vessel Nomenclature: Ne-D1-A1 Type: Science, fleet experimenting Designer: She'tanora Creno'lane Manufacturer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing Fielded by: Kingdom of Neshaten Organizations using: Kingdom of Neshaten, Shukara Volunteer Navy Production: Depend on fleet

Crew and Accommodations

Crew: 59 Emergency Capacity: In an emergency the ship can hold up to three hundred people, although doing so would make it excessively crowded and stress the life-support systems.


Length: 550 meters (? Feet) Width: 247 meters (? feet) Height: 104 meters (? feet) Decks: 8 (3 meters each)

Propulsion and Range


Durability and Maintenance

Service Lifespan: Intended to last ten years with extensive maintenance Refit Cycle: Once every two years

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system. Hull: ? Shields: ?(Threshold ?)

Inside the Hi'tan'she

Compartment Layout

Command Centers

Neshaten Small Assault Bridge Neshaten Damage Control Center

Hallways and Conduits

Neshaten Standard Hallways Neshaten Standard Maintenance Conduits

Living, Dining, and Recreational Areas

Neshaten Cafeteria and Lounge Neshaten Observation Lounge

Crew Areas

Neshaten Crew Quarters Module Neshaten Q'Abrenal Quarters


Neshaten Main Cargohold Neshaten Food Storage Bay Neshaten Weapons Armory

Science or Medical Areas

Neshaten Large Medical Center Neshaten Scientific Research Labs Neshaten Astrometrics Lab

Ship Systems Areas

Neshaten Large Computer Room Neshaten Shield Room Neshaten Large Sized Engineering Bay

Ship Systems


The ship's superstructure is comprised of reinforced titanium cross-bracing that helps give it a tough structure, which in turn makes it difficult to breach during hard combat. In terms of armor plating, the ship utilizes a combination of Energized Crynatorium, Cynestran, Heu'trane, with the areas around the primary sensor array being encased in Kithiulum.


Due to the type of power systems it has, and its oversized sensor capabilities, the ship is equiped with a Lunabaren High-Energy Reactor, which takes up nearly six decks. Two additional Lunebaren Reactors provide back up power.

Computer and Sensor Systems

Comes equipped with a Cordecon Quantum Computer along with the Neshaten Scanner Array Suite.

Weapons Systems

Life Support Systems

Comes equpped with the Atmospheric Control Systems that provides the ship with all the needed equipment for sustaining life.

Emergency Support Systems

Uses the Emergency Support System

Landing Gear

Utilizes the Landing Claw for landing equipment.


Uses four Luxiton Gravitic Engine for STL movement

Defense Systems

Uses the starship_shield_generator to provide shielding to the ship.

Weapon Compliment

Vehicle Compliment

As the ship is an exploration craft, it is designed to ferry vehicles ranging from combat to civilian usage. These vehicles are stored in the ships large cargo hold.