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NDC Human Clones "Varia"


Intended to make up the majority of the NDC's clone population, “Varia” are human clones with carefully selected genes and technological support features, such as the Geist mind-machine interface and the Asclepius health system.

While not a separate species from Humans, Varia recognize themselves as distinct due to their culture, clone nature, and various small improvements.

Many Varia have been further modified into VariaNTs to allow them to better fill a certain need.

For details on how the New Dusk Conclave creates its clones, read the NDC Synth Creation Process.


In the third year of the NDC's cloning operations, the growing nation realized that it would need to increase the production of its citizens if it was to sufficiently protect its territory and keep up with its economic growth. A project team was formed by Waylan Vulca, featuring many of the NDC's best minds on bioengineering and cloning experts from outside of the faction - including individuals from the Reds and Psychopomp LLC.

They began with a simple review of the faction's existing clone population and cloning process. They discovered that the rate of clone production was considerably lower than what was possible and that the overall physical capabilities - both mental and physical - of the clones could be improved upon without diverging from basic Human genetics.

Technology would play an important part in the daily lives of these new clones. The most dramatic alteration of basic human capabilities would be the introduction of the Geist as a 'standard feature'. The mind-machine interface had already proven to be a critical tool in the NDC's military; these new clones would be able to use it in civilian functions as well. The Geist also provides management for the clones' nanite-based health system, which works to keep their bodies in good shape, assists in repairing injuries, and helps their natural immune system to resolve threats to the user's well-being such as cancerous cells or diseases.

Genetic modification of the basic genome is primarily based on selecting superior traits. While there is intentional variation in the overall genome, Varia have excellent physical and mental capabilities. The introduction of a third gender, the 'bigender', is likely the most notable of the changes introduced.

The last major change was the introduction of 'VariaNTs' to the cloning process. While basic Humans have proved their worth time and again, the Kikyo Sector holds a number of threats and environments that unmodified organics could struggle with. The answer was to create a variety of Varia Niche Templates, or 'VariaNT's, that could be applied to a Varia/Human to change their physical capabilities in minor or major ways. While still Varia at their core, these VariaNTs would be more aggressively optimized to fulfill various roles within the NDC's military and civilian society.

A new, improved cloning facility was designed to facilitate the production of these clones. In this facility, clones would 'mature' during their creation process through a combination of selective memory imprinting and accelerated learning in deftly managed virtual environments. The clones that the facility produce are intended to be reasonably mature, with a complete sense of 'self', an understanding of how to interact with others, and the ability to think for themselves. Their carefully managed 'upbringing' would, of course, lend them to certain beliefs, interests, and skill sets, but their will would be their own.


For the most part, Varia are physically indistinct from other examples of Humans and Human analogs within the Kikyo sector. Their distinguishing features tend to be the Geist implant and their alternative eye and hair colors.


The following are the common traits that all Varia share, in addition/exception to the normal human appearance:

Nanite-based Health System

A suite of nanites are included in all New Dusk Conclave clones that assists their body's natural processes to ensure excellent health. These nanites assist in repairing damage, help to fight off diseases, and attempt to keep the user in fit condition.


Varia are born into one of three distinct genders: male, female, and an androgynous bigender. All NDC clones are capable of reproduction, but are born sterile.

Sterility can be easily reversed by visiting any medical center within the NDC. However, an unexpected, significant stigma has arisen among the new clones against having and raising children. For this reason, while Varia engage in sex as much as anywhere else, they very rarely have children.

Instead, when a clone and their partner wish to expand their family they can visit one of the NDC's cloning facilities. Here, genetic samples from each of the 'parents' will be used as seed values in the creation of a new clone. The child will share various appearance traits from the parent, such as face shape and height, but will otherwise conform to NDC clone standards. This can have interest results if the parents are not both humans - the new clone will be physiologically similar to other Varia, but may have physical characteristics such as eye or face shape that are, within reason, 'inherited' from the non-human parent.

Children are given the opportunity to meet their genetic donor parents during their two week virtual upbringing. This child will be born as a full adult, the same as the other clones within their cohort, but one who has a familial connection to these parents.


The Bigender was intended as a compromise for colony ships and burgeoning frontier development. Rather than forcing the gender balance of these growing population centers, the NDC's clone design team wanted to allow the colonists a way to more naturally balance themselves. Bigenders were the answer. Hermaphroditic by nature, Bigenders are an androgynous third sex that can act as either a male or female in the reproductive cycle.

Similar to various natural fauna1), Bigenders can subconsciously alter their bodies to be more feminine or masculine depending on their interests and their partner. Bigenders who maintain a gender identity long enough can fully transition into one of the other two genders permanently. This is partially hormonal and partially managed by their Asclepius.

In an ironic twist, nearly all Varia are against natural reproduction. While they enjoy the physical act, the thought of bringing new people into the world through something as “inefficient” as traditional child rearing has left the role of the Bigender somewhat up in the air. The Bigenders who had been created up until this realization seemed perfectly content with their role in society, however, and it was decided that they would continue to be produced.

Whether produced in a cloning facility or through natural means, Bigenders represent about 20% of all new NDC clones.

Life Cycle

NDC clones exit the cloning facility with a physical and mental age somewhere between 18 and 21. During their creation process, they experience many of life's ups and downs, attend school, go through job training, and are taught social norms. Their personalities are allowed to develop freely, so long as they don't show signs of being a danger to themselves or society. After creation, they attend at least two more months of military training and education.

While all NDC clones are intended to perform a given military role, some of them choose to take a civilian path. They tend to find jobs that are well aligned with the Cadre they were born into. Regardless of their choice, so long as they are a contributing member of society, NDC clones view the contributions of others as being equal in worth - though not necessarily equal in quality.

The degradation of genetic material and accumulation of non-beneficial mutations that cause humans to age and die are largely a non-concern for Varia. Their theoretical lifespans are indefinite, though it is assumed that they will live no more than two hundred years on average.


While a clone is being created, a range of modifications, genetic and otherwise, can be applied to them that significantly alters their biology. While they are still intrinsically human, and are raised and viewed in the same way as any other clone within the NDC, they may be physically distinct or possess capabilities that a normal Varia does not.

These modifications are heavily tested and standardized before ever being applied to an actual living creature. The collection of standardized modifications are known as a Varia Niche Template - or VariaNT - and are treated like a carefully curated product line.

It is possible to apply a VariaNT modification to any human. This is an extensive process, taking at least two weeks of time within a cloning tube to fully take place. Humans who were previously modified will need to have their previous genetic modifications removed first. This removal of prior modifications can take up to another two weeks. After the VariaNT process is complete, another two weeks of training and mental imprinting is required to ensure that the individual is capable of making use of their modified body.

Currently available VariaNTs:


Due to their upbringing, Varia have a deep, universal belief that everyone should contribute to the progress of society and the nation they reside within. As these clones have become more prevalent in the NDC, this has caused major changes to the faction's NDC Culture.

Most notable of these changes are the creation of Cadres, faction-wide social structures oriented around occupational groups. These Cadres are essentially extensions of the training and education programs that clones go through for the first few months of their lives. Once out of the cloning facilities, the Cadres pick up where the facility left off and provide structure and support to the new clone.

Within a Cadre, it is normal to refer to other Cadre members as Master, Apprentice, Journeyman, etc, depending on the individual's perceived skill and seniority. These titles, and overall standing within the Cadre, are completely merit based.

NDC clones do not discriminate based on physical qualities such as height or gender. They may have certain preferences in terms of attractiveness, but the most important quality one can have is an ability and capability to contribute.

Other than the Geist and non-invasive implants, Varia have a strong dislike for any cybernetic modification that would prevent them from working while they wait to heal. As such, with the exception of cybernetics necessary to replace lost limbs or organs, these clones will typically avoid cybernetic modifications.

All Varia have only vague, generally positive, recollections of the caretakers that raised them. Most are able to recall a set of parents that they think of fondly. Their memories of their fellow Cohort members, the group they were raised alongside, are of normal clarity. This is largely an effort on the NDC's part to allow these clones the benefit of a caring upbringing, without needing to worry about the social ramifications of tens of thousands of individuals sharing the same set of parents.

As the culture of the clones is largely synonymous with the culture of the New Dusk Conclave, additional details can be found on the NDC Culture article.


The Conclave's concept of Contribution is wholly derived from its clone populace. Designed and created with a purpose in mind, Varia have embraced this aspect of their origin and made it a cornerstone of their society.


All NDC clones speak Trade. Some clones, such as those intended for diplomatic purposes, will be trained in other languages.

When speaking with other NDC clones, or those equipped with a Geist, many prefer to communicate using a digital medium over a verbal one. These are often accented with images, sounds, and other non-verbal information to assist in conveying their message. They particularly enjoy sending favorite scents or sensations along with their messages, such as sending the smell of their partner's favorite flowers or cologne along with an affectionate note.

It is generally considered bad form to send sensory data that would be undesirable to the receiver. When this happens, the offended individual typically disables all non-verbal communication with the offender. This is seen as a considerable, but warranted, slight, and is a large source of shame.


Clone first names are typically common, one or two syllable western names, like those of the clones that they are generated from - Mark, Jane, Alex, and Jay. Simple, punchy names that have more in common with nicknames or pilot call signs are also prevalent. (A fun, potentially NSFW in text only, resource for call signs is this page.)

All clones are allowed to choose their own names when they are mentally mature enough to do so. Until then, they are called by their Cohort and a simple identification number. Often, the clone will choose a name that others have used for them - though this is not always the case. In the case that multiple clones wish to choose the same name, they will typically add a sequential number to their first name to make it different, such as “Jacob-2”.

As clones are not born into families, they will typically use their Cohort number. Cohort numbers are somewhat randomly generated and tend to be three or four digits long. Some clones will, instead, choose to take the name of their Cadre as their last name.

Some sample names:


NDC clone politics and social standings are heavily based on capability and Contribution. Cadres and Guilds hold significant sway within the New Dusk Conclave, second only to the faction's Council and Rulers.

This is due in large part to the NDC's policy of running local government in a democratic fashion. As these clones quickly became the dominant portion of the population, their influence swiftly grew. For most, their emphasis on Contribution has been a benefit. For some, who are unable or unwilling to contribute in a way that the clones appreciate, this change has been detrimental.

Regardless, if someone wishes to move up in society, the surest way to do that is to consistently show excellent results. Few clones, save those of the Admin Cadre, actually want to spend their time doing political work. In fact, not doing the work your Cadre performs is a sure way to move down in the standings of your Cadre.

OOC Notes

Whisper created this article on 2020/06/18 13:44.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

such as clownfish and others