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Itatski Clan

The Itatski clan is a large family-group of mostly Nekovalkyrja unoficially formed in YE 38 with the birth of Itatski Setsuya to Sagara, Kai and Itatski, Ichika. The group has ties to both the Yamatai Star Empire and the New Dusk Conclave despite having little political presence in the former.

The clan would officially become commonplace in YE 43 at the behest of one-time clan matriarch and founder Itatski Suzume after many members of her family including both of her sisters would be captured by the Interstellar Kingdom Of Kuvexia prompting the self-designated Supreme matriarch and acting family head at the time to consolidate and centralize many members of the family for their own protection.

The position of clan matriarch was abdicated to Suzume's older sister Setsuya not long after its founding who currently resides as its de facto head.

The clan owns a villa on X and also as of YE 43 jointly owns a small starship.


Something something strength, honor, and cunning or something i dunno make a list and figure that out later~


The Itatski clan has many blood-related members at its core who can trace their lineage leading back to either Sagara, Kai or Itatski, Ichika but also have many adopted members or those who have married into the clan through one of its members. The clan also has close ties with the much larger Belmont Clan and has distant ties to them biologically. Most clan members see the Belmonts as close cousins while some are technically also members of the Belmont clan itself by relation or marriage.

Current members of the Itatski clan include:

Name Position Notes
Itatski Setsuya Clan matriarch Oldest daughter of Kai and Ichika.
Itatski Suzume Former matriarch. Current clan enforcer and bodyguard. Second daughter of Kai and Ichika.
Itatski Kyoko None Third daughter of Ichika Itatski.
Sagara, Kai Clan father Father of Setsuya and Suzume.
Itatski, Ichika Clan mother Mother to several members of the clan.
Itatski Sachiko Clan Technician Daughter to Setsuya and Klaus.
Klaus Kurogane Clan Patriarch Married to Setsuya

Notable History

List JPs and threads and events here related to the clan.


List stuff like the sadistic sakura, the clans villa when someone makes it, any businesses like -stuff, combined currency if ever acquired, and jointly appropriated stuff here.

Clan pets

This section will list the animals owned by the clan members.

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2021/02/15 07:42.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.