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Daughters of Yamatai

The Daughters of Yamatai are an unofficial squad serving on the YSS Resurgence. Their name comes from a song of the same name written by Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi, one of the members of the squad. Here is a snippet of the lyrics to the song:

We are the daughters of Yamatai 🎵
We're here to make all of the Kuvies die 🎵
So watch out for our Aether blades 🎶
And run away when we yell Banzai!


The Daughters of Yamatai first met in a bar towards the end of YE 42 in Ternifac after Kwabba-an Ternifac-xuralkhi gave a solo performance while Tatsugami Kozakura and Sanda Hoshi were in the audience. Both Kozakura and Sanda had already joined the Star Army of Yamatai, and the meeting made Kwabba-an decide to do so as well.

The Daughters of Yamatai first started acting as a squad at the beginning of YE 43 during the battle to retake the Sakura Fleet Depot during the Kuvexian War. The three of them had all been assigned to “YSS Presurgence,” a Kyoto-class Carrier


The Daughters of Yamatai are an unofficial squad serving on the YSS Resurgence. They are composed of:

OOC Notes

Hyralt created this article on 2021/01/10 12:46.

The Daughters of Yamatai crest is composed of clip art from, used under license and combined by Hyralt. The individual clip art used are:

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