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Yu Standard Freight Elevator

A magnetic heavy lift elevator designed for moving freight between levels in space stations or on space ships.


Developed in YE 44 for use on the Teisatsu-class Special Operations Support Transport and Sigrún-class “Rikugun” Regimental Assault Carrier projects.


The standard freight elevator uses a Maglev system similar to the high-speed transit system on the Tanya-Class Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser. It consists of a magrail system and an open sided and open topped 25×25 meters lift platform capable of moving two fully loaded SSCC-Huge sized containers or most crafts in the Star Army of Yamatai small craft inventory.

Smaller versions of the Yu Standard Freight Elevator come in 20×20, 15×15, and 10×10. Much larger ones are capable of being made for custom order, but the lift panel and housing will require extra reinforcement.

Potentially more complex systems of magrails could be utilized to move the lift platform along rails moving either vertically or horizontally.

Standard Features

Optional Features


The price varies by size of the lift platform and the number of decks it is expected to traverse.

Lift Platform Size Factory Cost Retrofit Cost
10×10 meters 100KS + 50KS/Deck 125KS + 70KS/Deck
15×15 meters 150KS + 50KS/Deck 170KS + 70KS/Deck
20×20 meters 200KS + 50KS/Deck 225KS + 70KS/Deck
25×25 meters 250KS + 50KS/Deck 275KS + 70KS/Deck


While the Standard Freight Elevator is primarily designed to move cargo, it can also function as a lift for craft and weapons on a carrier.

OOC Notes

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