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XS-Type Quantum Computer

The XS-Type Quantum Computer is a lightweight and compact quantum computer hardware which is typically used as a component of smaller vehicles, power armors, or other computerized systems. It was released by Origin Industries in YE 45.


A development of the earlier X-type Quantum Computer, the XS-Type Quantum computer is a miniaturized variant offering the same power as its ancestor as a much smaller size, which can be more easily integrated into certain systems. Unlike the X-Type, however, the XS-Type is not standalone, and must be plugged into another device or platform in order to function. Developed in conjunction with Origin's newer type of Destiny Core, It's first use was as the internal computing hardware for the Destiny Core.

Part of the developmental goals of the XS-type quantum computer were the ability to be easily swapped between host units and the capability to augment the abilities of existing systems. The XS-Type was not intended to outright replace the X-Type computer, but rather to allow greater flexibility for designers who still wanted the X-Types capabilities but did not necessarily have the space or freedom to include one. As with the X-Type and XL-Type, the XS-type is OS-agnostic, and will work with any computer system that can run on it.


The XS-type quantum computer is extremely compact, being 2cm wide, 1 cm deep, and 10cm long. it can come in either a Durandium Alloy, Cerastic, or Ceresium casing, depending on application, but always includes a gold-plated KICKS-Compatible standard connector on one end. The XS-Type computer has no power source of its own, and must take power from whatever it is connected to. Additionally, any peripherals used by the computer must connect to whatever it is connected to, whether that be via physical or wireless connections.

Functionally, the XS-Type quantum computer has the same power as a single Module of a standard X-Type. Just like an X-type, it only needs one module to operate, though it is not a functional device in and of itself. Also just like the X-Type, ten XS-Type computer sticks count as a Node, and the maximum number of linked Sticks is theoretically infinite, so long as you have enough connections and an appropriate power supply.

While the XS-type itself is useless on its own, it can be made into a compact, usable computer device by utilizing a special Hub which allows it to be connected directly to a power source and peripherals. The hub itself is a 10cm by 10cm by 3cm box which has a 3×5 grid of KICKS-Compatible sockets, as well as a standard KICKS-compatible power cord. the Hub is capable of linking up to 10 XS-type computer sticks, and allowing up to 5 peripheral devices, such as keyboards, mouses, displays, wireless network devices, or additional memory.


the XS-Type Quantum computer is intended to be utilized in personal devices, light vehicles, powered armors, and other small constructs which require high computing power, but tend to not have a lot of space for a computer, or to allow some design freedom and extra space in those that otherwise would have enough space. The XS-type is typically a sub-component, but can be utilized with a special hub in order to function as a standalone computing device.

Pricing and Options

The XS-Type is a compact modular computer which has several variations, as well as optional accessories.

OOC Notes

Kai created this article on 2023/04/15 04:47.

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Keyboard, touchpad and display