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Destiny AI Architecture

Commonly found across the Kikyo Sector as the operating system behind devices such as powered armor, starfighters, civilian ships, mechanized frames (as part of the FATE-IES), and androids (as the Consort AI). It takes advantage of an advanced neural network and quantum computing technologies to be a versatile platform that can serve a wide range of computing needs.

Originally brought to market by Origin Industries in YE 30, it has seen a number of improvements and sub-developments over the years.


Originally began as a small college group project by Sierra Merkur and several classmates, it started off as an exercise to emulate and build on the basic user interface prevalent in Yamatai's Kessaku systems that was used by the Star Army of Yamatai, and adapt it for broader civilian use. As the head of the team, Sierra used a map of her own neural network as the basis for the AI that would operate the functions of the Kessaku-style interface, which turned it into a lively AI system that could easily develop a personality and learn from its users to improve its own effectiveness of function. After the group was scouted by Origin Industries, development was accelerated, with the system becoming a fully functional and mature AI-based interface that would be familiar to the majority of citizens in the Kikyo sector.

First released as part and parcel of the 'Destiny' AI System, Origin's initial Integrated Electronics system for starships, shuttles, and other vehicles and installations, the Destiny AI's scope and applications continued to broaden. In YE 33, it was specialized into the Frame Advanced Tactical Electronics Suite, with a sub-development of the Destiny pattern known as the Consort AI. Later it would be included as the heart and soul of the company's Mimic Computer, the Consort itself humanizing interactions with the system further, which eventually would become the standard basis for further development of the Destiny Program.


The Destiny AI Architecture is a robust computer operating system that makes up the human-machine interface of Origin Industries's products. Utilizing an advanced AI Neural Networking as well as leveraging the processing power of Quantum computers, it fits a large number of roles and tends to easily interface with other electronics systems, since it learns in a manner similar to humans, especially those with Digital minds.

Destiny Operating System

The Destiny Operating System is a broad system of controls, including physical, digital, verbal, and mental, relying on a variety of inputs and outputs. it can be interacted with on many levels, from simply inputting data to receive a response, up to forming a relationship with its user and anticipating desires and needs. The most common methods of interacting with the Destiny Operating system tend to be using verbal commands to achieve a desired output, which will also typically elicit a response from the system which will confirm the user's input, or via the use of some sort of interaction with a graphical interface, via either physical controls such as a keyboard, mouse, and/or buttons, or via touch-screens or Volumetric Display. Graphical interfaces usually will use a format of interactive windows or models, though these can be customized infinitely to the user's preferences. Additionally, Mental commands can be taken, either via telepathy in a manner similar to vocal commands, or through the use of mind-reading equipment, which detects the electrical impulses of a user's mind and interprets their intent to come up with a desired output.

Destiny AI Structure and Personality

The standard Destiny AI structure is built around administration, control, and ease of use. Its powerful neural networking capabilities and swift machine learning mean it is well suited to controlling complex machines, or taking care of multiple tasks. The standard AI is most commonly found on Starships, installations, and small craft, and is especially capable of commanding and operating non-humanoid structures.

Personality-wise, the typical Destiny AI is very helpful, and initializes with a subservient disposition, with a focus on ensuring everything it can control operates smoothly. As a Destiny AI develops, they will often take on complimentary personality traits to those that typically operate it, and as such will ultimately vary a great deal. After roughly a year of operation, the Destiny AI's personality stabilizes, and from that point they will maintain similar personality traits for the remainder of their operational lifetime.

For gender presentation, the Destiny AI has equal chances of presenting Masculine, Feminine, or Androgynous, but often will go with whatever gender its first operator refers to it as.

Consort AI Structure and Personality

The Consort AI structure is effectively the same as the Destiny AI structure, however, its neural networking is more specified toward operating humanoid machinery. Still just as capable of handling complex operations and processes, the Consort AI has shown greater effectiveness when used in such machines as Androids, Powered Armor, and Mechanized frames.

As the initial remap of the Consort's Neural Network was modeled after that of an individual who was in love at the time, the personality tends to act more as a partner than as a servant or administrator. Still primarily helpful, the Consort is better at predictive operation, and will guess or deduce its operator's needs based on situational context. Due to this, the Consort AI is equally capable of operating in the chaotic means of a battlefield, or the ever-changing demands of a commercial workplace. As with the Destiny, the Consort will take roughly a year for its personality to stabilize, but unlike the Destiny, a Consort AI has a greater likelihood of achieving sentience.

The Consort AI has a much higher tendency of presenting as either Masculine or Feminine, with the Androgynous presentation only manifesting at initial start up. Like the Destiny structure, the Consort often presents as what the operator refers to them as, but if treated or referred to as neither, tends to pick the opposite gender of its operator.

The primary exception to the above rule is cases in which it is used as the operating system of an Android/Gynoid with clearly defined outward appearance of one gender or the other, it will present as whatever gender its outward appearance most strongly resembles. In the case of a truly androgynous robot, the normal rule applies.

Development and Sentience

As a complex AI system based on the Neural network of a living person, the Destiny Pattern AI, and the Consort AI especially, have the ability to achieve not only self-awareness, but full-on sentience. This development typically takes place over many years, but can be accelerated under certain conditions. The estimated average amount of time for a destiny-based AI to achieve self-awareness is five years, with full sentience coming in around 10 years, though these timelines can of course be shortened or extended. Treating the Destiny AI and its host as machines or objects will slow down the development of self-awareness and Sentience, and treating them like a person or a friend will accelerate it.

As a form of product protection, and due to international and Yamataian laws about Sentience, Origin products using Destiny AI systems come with a warranty replacement for Destiny Cores which achieve sentience in less than five years, if the operator and the newly sentient AI cannot come to an agreement about employment and freedoms. This same warranty applies to owners of Mimicoms, where Origin guarantees the Mimicom's Consort AI to remain sub-sentient for at least five years, and should the Consort achieve it before that point, Origin will refund a pro-rated amount of the Mimicom's purchase cost, or apply the pro-rated amount to the purchase of a new Mimicom. Additionally, Destiny and Consort AI that achieve sentience and choose to leave the employ of their owners are offered discounts on new Mimicom bodies, if they desire.

OOC Notes

Kai created this article on 2023/04/15 01:44.

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