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Altera Corporation

(This is a backstory article)

Long defunct, Altera Corporation was a cloning research and development business. Altera closed when its funds ran dry and many of its clones were left to their own devices.

Company Statistics
Established YE 22
Dissolved YE 31
Associated Factions New Dusk Conclave, Independent
Headquarters -
Product Symbol ALT
Slogan “The best that evolution has to offer in a fraction of the time.”

About Altera

Altera was created in YE 22 by a venture capital group seeking to capitalize on the growing 'clone army' market. At the time, a handful of companies were in the process of spinning up their own super soldier programs as projects such as Neplesia's ID-SOL, Yamatai's Nekovalkyrjas, and the Fenrir Division continued to prove the viability of such an approach.

Styling themselves as a progressive brand with new ideas on how to approach the problem space, Altera generated significant business interest in its early days and quickly found its coffers overflowing. The main draw was their approach to clone design - their first batch of clones would be genetically-engineered, technologically-modified scientist clones that would be designed and trained specifically for making new clones. While the extent of their modifications meant that many of this 'first batch' of clones did not survive, the ones who did were extremely capable.

The second draw was that Altera did not intend to produce soldier clones. Considering it a saturated market, Altera focused its efforts on alternative military avenues - engineering, espionage, and so forth - markets that appeared to be under served. The corporation's efforts in these area proved fruitful, with 'product lines' such as ODIN and EITR casting Altera's future in a golden light.

Unfortunately, Altera was unable to replicate Yamatai's success with mind templates. While the clones they created were excellent products, they would never meet the scale and readiness requirements in order to make Altera truly profitable. Investments began to dry up in the wake of this realization and, while the corporation briefly tried to keep itself afloat as a PMC, it eventually closed its doors.

Many of the remaining clones were either put on ice or left to their own devices.

Altera Cloning Projects

What little information is known about Altera's various 'initiatives' has been gleaned from the few clones who have survived until today. All of Altera's projects involved rapidly early aging and intense training programs.

OOC Notes

This is a collection of backstory elements from a few of Whisper's characters in the New Dusk Conclave. It is not intended for use as new products on the market, but instead as a way of simplifying character articles and putting things into a more appropriate format.

Whisper created this article on 2020/03/25 12:03.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.