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Hirasawa Yuna

🚧 FIXME This article is a work in progress; It is currently not approved as canon.

Hirasawa Yuna is a player character played by Doshii Jun.

Hirasawa Yuna
Species & Gender: NH-29 Nekovalkyrja Female (Trans)
Date of Birth: YE 31
Organization: None
Occupation: None
Rank: None
Current Placement: None

Preferred Plots

  1. The Soul Search

Physical Description

Yuna is 1.55 meters tall (5'1“), with a frame curved by muscles, especially her legs. Her skin is the tone of fresh milk chocolate. She has orange, almond-shaped eyes; and shortly pointed ears that are perpendicular to her head. Her face is oval-shaped. Her curly green hair dips to the middle of her back and has the dull texture of beach glass. She often has it in a side part, bangs swept to the side off her forehead; or as a tight series of braids behind her head. Her ears are furless.

With some work, Yuna learned how to get the skin of her palms and knuckles to callous. It perpetually makes her hands look dirty.


Yuna always has been a hitter, not a thinker. She is not big on complicated, careful solutions … or relationships … or missions …

Really, Yuna's just a simple soul who talks with fists. She avoids being brought to a delicate situation and told to make people feel better.

Quixotically, Yuna doesn't get along very well with people. “Gruff” and “terse” finely square her communication skills. She offers little about herself to others. She holds them at arm's length, just about where her fists still can reach them.

Informing what appears to be a thorny exterior is a severe sense of loyalty and duty to specific people, rather than grand groups or widespread agencies. Yuna comes to believe in people more than she ever wants to, and feels deep pride in her (harsh) style of teaching.


Yuna Hirasawa was born in YE 31.

Yuna was born YE 31 and completed her training in YE 32. She was one of the first soldiers of the Rikugun, assigned to Legion II. Yuna excelled at soldiering, but she proved herself a wunderkind at hand-to-hand combat. She also displayed a unique grasp of her NH-29 body and its abilities.

Her defining moment came in YE 33, where she alone held a defensive position during the Battle of Yamatai around the eastern desert city of Malifar. Mishhu units attacked a stucco desert hut holding the remains of four area families. Her Century whittled down to just herself and another platoon's Heisho, the Daisy-clad Neko used up the last of her LASR ammunition to cut down the enemy's numbers, then engaged with shield and fists to defeat the last four Mishhuvurthyar opponents. She did not allow a single civilian casualty.

The Star Army awarded her the Red Tessen.

Her actions garnered the attention of SAINT. Recruiters quickly learned of her prickly demeanor, and it was obvious she could not become an operative. However, her will to live and combat skills appeared well suited as a cadre for the agency's training program. She breezed through SELECT, and while her scores were not always optimal during INDOC, she passed and was slated into a cadre spot on Vicky.

After her experiences during the second class of YE 38 involving Yukari Freeman, Yuna put in for a transfer to operative. SAINT granted the request, but paired her with an older Nekovalkyrja who knew the ropes. They participated in just one mission. The experience of that mission brought Yuna to a reckoning with where she wanted her life to go next.

Social Connections

Yuna Hirasawa is connected to: Takomi Rin, Yukari Freeman and Sakamoto Hina.

Skills Learned


Yuna is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. Yuna is fluent in Trade and Yamataigo (邪馬台語). She can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc. She can use Neko telepathy.


Yuna received hand-to-hand combat training, followed up with a rigorous training program. She is expertly skilled in hand-to-hand combat in and out of zero-gravity. She is skilled and experienced in weaponed combat in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity. She is trained in weapons including energy pistols and rifles, grenades, knives, nonexplosive projectile weapons, blunt handheld weapons and power armor.

Technology Operation

Yuna is capable of operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships. She is proficient in entering and/or searching for information.


Yuna has received basic mathematics training, including up to algebra and trigonometry.

Survival and Intelligence

Yuna has been conditioned to survive in extreme environments and harsh conditions. She can find water, navigate land, build shelter, hunt, signal and conceal her presence through natural and volumetric means.


Yuna presses her physique to the limit and more. She excels at physical movement, is a natural athlete and can tolerate pain to a higher level than most Neko, be it fatigue-related or from injury.

Inventory & Finance

Yuna Hirasawa has the following items:

None at this time.

OOC Notes

Thank you for reading.

In the case Doshii Jun becomes inactive: