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Freethinker Faulkner 78-0782-4395

Freethinker Faulkner 78-0782-4395 is a NPC controlled by Lijosu.

Freethinker Faulkner 78-0782-4395
Species & Gender: Freespacer Female
Date of Birth: 25日 5月 YE 21
Organization: Independant
Occupation: Neuroscientist

Physical Description

Freethinker 78 is a type three freespacer with a human upper-body and entirely robotic lower-body designed after an enormous spider with six legs. Some would say her hair is impractically long and messy. It's black, very wavy and reaches even lower than her waist. Her fringe is shorter, but nonetheless, is long enough to go past her shoulder. 78's skin is pale but not without blemishes. Her eyebrows are thin and her eyes are grey, though give the appearance of a very pale blue under some lighting. Her chin is pointy. Freethinker 78 has cultivated her diatoms in a number of imaginative ways. One way she has done this is cultivating them over her lips so they appear black. She also has a black tattoo made from cultivated diatoms creeping up her neck that is designed to look like an intricate web mixed with tangled plant stems and petals flowing like liquid across the right side of her neck and down her right shoulder and then upper arm.

If half her body wasn't a mechanical spider, she would be around 1.77 meters tall (5'9“), though this is not an accurate measurement for her size. Nor would be her height alone, due to her shape. Freethinker 78's true height measures at 1.6 meters tall (5'2”) when standing and 1.17 meters (3'10“) with her arachnoid torso touching the floor. 78's leg span from her front left to back right, with all legs outstretched, is approximately 4 and a half meters (15 feet). Although this is impressive, her legs are typically pointing straight up into the air, folded. When in typical resting position, the same measurement would be approximately 2 meters (or 6 and a half feet). Her length, excluding her legs and human torso is 1.23 meters (4'0”). Her length measuring her human and arachnoid torsos together is approximately 2.1 meters (6'10“).


Although 78's vocabulary consists of largely complex words and despite being a neuroscientist, she is mostly emotionally driven. Freethinker 78 is also very passionate about her work and protective of her family. She can be loving and caring, but should anybody get in the way of her pursuits or her loved ones' well fair, a burning vengeance will be quick to ignite within her. This is not to say she is unreasonable or overly aggressive. In fact it wouldn't be out of the question to call her cautious. 78 simply has an undying devotion that she fixates on quite intensely.

Freethinker 78 grew a love for human culture somewhere down the line and has gone on record to go through lengths to replicate it despite her somewhat military alignment at current.

History and Relationship Notes

Faulkner 78 is one of two people who created Titan. She was born in YE 21 and was once a citizen of the The Free State. During her citizenship was when she met Fleshmender 40-2586-1208, who she formed a partnership with in order to realize her vision of “a perfect super soldier” which would earn her a place in a more sophisticated faction of the time. Since then she had become independent from any other faction, lowered her expectations from “perfect super soldier” to “pretty good super soldier” and started a small family with Fleshmender 40, Titan being their supposed daughter.

Social Connections

Faulkner 78 connected to:

Skill Areas


OOC Information

In the case Lijosu becomes inactive, this NPC can be used by the appointed GM of the plot.