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Alain Mikkels

Alain Mikkels is a player character played by Wolfe Whitehorn.

Alain Mikkels
Species & Gender: Minkan Male
Date of Birth: YE 10
Organization: New Dusk Conclave
Occupation: BS - Bridge: Sensors
Rank: 04 - Ensign
Current Placement:

Preferred Plots


Physical Description

Alain stands at 5' 11“ with an athletic frame, albeit one built on synthetic muscle. His skin is a pale flesh tone with reddish undertones, a remnant of his Nepleslian birth and he has stark blue eyes that pierce from beneath a marked brow. He is long in the limb, with fingers that seem just longer than they should be for someone of his build, and feet that are just a little too large. He has more rounded eyes, congruent with his Nepleslian heritage, and a squared jawline.

Alain keeps his chestnut-coloured hair trimmed to a medium length, often just outside of regulation to the chagrin of his superiors, and perpetually sports a five o'clock shadow terminating at a thin goatee.

His Minkan frame is pretty much pristine, the sole exceptions being a recently attained scar above his left eyebrow reaching up to his hairline, and a slightly crooked nose. His nose is a holdover from his days on Neplesia, something he specifically kept as a reminder of days in 'the pit' and to better orient his vision as he remembered it. The scar is a byproduct of some misbegotten adventure: His reason when asked has been notably non-standard and never the same twice.


Alain is a thrill-seeker but not to the extent he would endanger others. He has a tendency to be curt and brusque with others as well when their motives or actions intercede with his or the overall mission. Formerly a detractor from the connectivity of the net, he has become a believer and seeks out ways to use his new connections to experience life to the fullest.

He is an easily angered man who will rise to call when prudence should be exercised and has had more than once ended up with battle-scars from his impetuous nature. He has never been one for going quietly into the dark night. He works as hard as he plays, and both can be intense.

Some describe Alain as a social man, many others describe him as a wreck waiting to happen. He loves to be in the mix but does not take long to reach his limit. His temper grows shorter the more he is pressed upon, and issue compounded by his lack of lasting interpersonal relationships in the past.


Alain Mikkels was born in YE 10.

Alain grew up as the son of two Star Army of Yamatai enlisted Nepleslians, but was raised largely in their absence by his elder sister and his aunt. He never felt much in the way of pride of Yamatai, it was never his home. His years were spent learning the simple and mechanical way that the world, and more importantly the city, around him operated. Years were spent in basic education and more in trade.

As he grew older and the conflicts grew more and more frequent, thankfully there was always a place for a man who could repair things. In YE 28 at the age of 18 Alain was called on by his father to join the Star Army of Yamatai amid the tensions of separation between the two powers, to serve with them and to secure proper citizenship.

Alain refused and remained with the only family he had known for the last two decades. His father's attempt to entice him with an upgraded Yamataian body had only served to further distance him from tech expansion for years to come.

He continued to work as a scrapper and retrofitter for civilian class frames and machines of all classifications for nearly the next decade. It wasn't glamorous work, but it was honest and it paid decently. His 'invasive' tech repulsion lasted for many years to follow as he bounced from site to site, working jobs and relocating to suit his wanderlust. Nearing the end of YE 37 Alain was critically injured in a worksite accident reclaiming a decommissioned Yamataian hull. The framework beneath Alain shifted and broke free, loosing his harness and it dropped him a distance into the ship. With no propulsion pack and no inertial control, the Nepleslian man was left to the mercy of gravity and debris.

His poor body stood little chance. Several wounds marred his body, his left arm and hip were eviscerated, and his left leg was in tatters below the kneecap.

The rest of the salvage team was quick to respond to the distress beacon and quickly spirited him to the nearest medical ship. Pressed with a hard decision and an unlikely visit from his estranged parents, Alain accepted the bodily upgrade into a Minkan, though he had to undergo the initial preparations, having remained disconnected from the 'net for so the entirety of his life. The eventual success of the procedure brought about a massive difference in his ideology as he realized the difference in how the world was perceived.

Though, just as well it brought with it a more acute sense that both the Yamataian Empire and Neplesia were stifling and he wanted to experience something different than the same grime he had come to know. His wanderlust only grew as he experienced the world anew through the next three years.

He continued to work as a Salvager, with more direct sense, word eventually reached Alain about the New Dusk Conclave. With little more than a few cargo pack's worth of supplies, he transitioned out for NDC Space and aimed at making a new life amid the frontier.

After his arrival and a short stint in Obsidian City, Alain found a kinship in the NDC he never had in Nepleslia and a sense of pride he never had for Yamatai. Within his first couple of months, he had decided on a course to help advance the Conclave and signed up for military service. His aim high he sought placement in the Officer's Cadre from the outset and took to Naval OCS, pushing his skill set and breadth of knowledge until he was a finely honed tool for the NCS to put to the test. Following his graduation from the Naval OCS, Alain would be ready to serve on any of the NDC Frontline ships as a Sensor Operator.

Social Connections

Alain Mikkels is connected to:

Skills Learned


Trade, Yamataigo, Freefolk: the languages of the junker, most commonly thrown around in salvage yards. Over the years Alain thinks he has managed to pick up a few choice phrases in Six Cog as well, but he is far from conversational.

Maintenance and Repair

Before turning to a Military Life with the NDC, Alain was a junker in Nepleslian space. Fix it, break it, or burn it. He learned to appreciate how functional machines could be up until the very end, and just how easy they could be to maintain with a little tender loving care and the proper replacements. Or the proper bypass in the short-run.

Art and Vocations

Alain is a sculptor and sketch artist, focusing inherently on suit design pieces. What started with a need during one job to adjust his pressurized suit into a slimmer profile with reinforced arms, soon became an obsession with a small fashion following.

Survival and Military

Two opposite sides of life coincided with Alain, he was born to Enlisted Yamataian Soldiers of Nepleslian origin and so he prepared himself at one point for a life in service, before entirely going the other way. Merely being a Nepleslian gave him more survival experience, especially working in Salvage. Some sites over the years were primed for attack or ambush, others were simply too dangerous for what they were and led to a struggle to survive long enough to finish the job. Growing up without any real parents at home in the core of Nep, and working salvage, was enough to teach anyone to survive.

Starship Operations

Through years of working salvage ships, fine-tuning equipment for finding specialized debris and lost payloads or ship cores in the void, and keeping a ship with a burnt-out drive from reaching a cataclysmic halt mid-drift, Alain has done a lot in his Civilian career without having the capability to directly interface with ships. The last five years have brought him an incredible new depth of experience in such matters, which he only aims to expand upon. The Naval OCS further expanded on his knowledge base by compounding his education and furthering his grasp on the fundamentals of WHY and HOW things worked, beyond just the basics of mechanics.

Technology Operations

Five years ago Alain refused to use any technology that directly interfaced with his body; his reasoning was solely that it was too invasive and would have been a gross perversion of his personality to let someone else have the ability to enter his conscience with such a tool. Under that guise, he had to learn to adapt and use many other technologies to compensate as the nodal technologies were ever more prevalent in Yamatai Space.

Within the last few years, however, he has begun to blend the two technological types together. Using both as often as possible for the fullest experience he can achieve.


During his years as a Junker he had to learn a swathe of explosive and corrosive compounds to take apart a variety of hulls and plates, without taking himself apart in the process. He can safely and expediently categorize most compounds with a basic amount of knowledge, and when it doubt, get the hell out.

Inventory & Finance

Alain Mikkels has the following items:


Weapons & Gear

OOC Notes

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