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Ke-H5-W4201 "Suzumebachi" Attack Drones

The Ke-H5-W4201 is an upgraded component of the "Guriddo" Defense System, and was first produced in YE 42.


In the wake of the Kuvexian War which began in YE 38, the Ke-H5-1a "Guriddo" Defense System was in need of upgrades. The designers of the Ketsurui Fleet Yards launched a project to overhaul the system and make it more robust; this work was completed when the W4201 was first produced in YE 42. The Ke-H5-W3201 "Suzumebachi" Attack Drones were enhanced with better propulsion and defensive capabilities.


A fast attack drone operating as a component of the "Guriddo" Defense System.


Suzumebachi is an oval craft with a low profile, in the center is a dome that contains the shield and control systems. Two Turbo Aether Plasma Drive engines can see protruding from the aft, and two smaller ones are mounted on the sides to increase maneuverability. On the upper front a Wasp can be seen between the forward guns. The Star Army Hinomaru can be seen on either side of the command dome.

Rear View

Statistics and Performance

Statistics and performance information can be found below:



This craft is a remotely operated drone, and has no crew.


Length: 20 meters ( 56.4 feet) Width: 12 meters ( 39.36 feet) Height: 4.5 meters ( 14.76 feet)

Propulsion and Range

The Suzumebachi is very responsive attack drone.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Suzumebachi Systems

Most of the systems used on the attack drone come from other systems. The Suzumebachi has no pilot compartment or life support. Maintenance must be performed inside the Ke-H5-W3200 "Kyouheki" Defense Platforms. There is a space where a person could be in the drone, but they would need to be wearing a Star Army Environmental Suit, Type 28 (AMES) to survive, and there are no restraints.

Armored Construction

The Suzumebachi is constructed with a Durandium Alloy frame, and covered in .125 meter Yamataium armor plating.







Note: Due to line of sight restrictions the Suzumebachi can only bring 4 turrets to bear on any single target.

OOC Notes

Nashoba created this article on 2020/02/26 17:57.