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Kurita Survey Program

The Kurita Survey Program, is a program designed to rehabilitate wayward servicemembers and survey Yamataian Space for the Star Army Rikugun. Starting in late YE 43 and formalized in YE 44, the program is named in honor of Kurita Tomomi.


In YE 42, Mizumitsu Benji started a series of reforms within the Star Army Rikugun. One of them was the construction of additional bases for the use of Rikugun forces. But he and his staff quickly realized there was a lot of outdated survey data dating a decade. More detailed data was going to be needed in order to determine ideal locations for the bases.

Initially, new survey data was conducted by drones and Ranger units. But the Rangers have training to conduct to keep themselves current and drones needed to undergo maintenance occasionally. So a physical presence of servicemembers or civilians was going to be needed to cover all of the systems within the Yamatai Star Empire.

Benji remembered a story he heard of a young woman that was demoted to Yonto Hei by Hanako (then captain of the YSS Eucharis) and then sent to HX-2 II as punishment for failing to report on time. While there, she alone was responsible for surveying and clearing the land which Fort Kuzuryū is currently situated in. Today, 10 years later, that Yonto Hei was a reservist Itto Hei. Not exactly the most stellar of careers, but the experience truly showed it was a positive one.

Deciding to name the new survey program after her, the program seeks to provide that experience to as many servicemembers and civilians needing to learn by hard work.

Details of the Kurita Survey Program

While technically not a punitive assignment, the program does draw on a large pool of servicemembers suffering from the consequences of misdeeds not quite requiring time in the brig. Members of survey teams are drawn from the following sources:

Survey Teams share some similarity to Special Operations Fire Team in their organization and numbering. Here is an example team, Survey Team 237 in the Akina System sytem.

Role Rank Name
Team Leader Jôtô Heisho Charmeine
Specialist GS-06 Miles Hooper
Intern Santô Hei Gina Rox
Intern Santô Hei Isoroku Nahoko
Medic Ittô Hei Torajiro Aki
IT Support Nitô Heisho Kawano Tsunade
Technician Nitô Heisho Max Mepps

Notable Participants

Below at those that have become notable (positively and negatively) during their time in the program:

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2022/01/24 05:41.

This was approved by Andrew on 2023/01/271).