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Akarui Star Fortress

Star Fortress, NK-S8-07, is a Zodiac-Class Star Fortress stationed in the Samurai Sector around the Valentine System, serving as a main space hub for the Third Fleet (previously Eighth Fleet). Akarui (明るい) is a Yamataigo (邪馬台語) word meaning “bright1).”


Mikaela Maryamu has been assigned to handle communications traffic to Akarui Star Fortress.


Akarui Star Fortress was constructed in YE 33 (OOC: 2011).


Akarui Star Fortress is the Star Army's only star fortress with a red-colored hull.

On-Base Food and Drink Options

Options for food and drink on this base.

Tokyo Brewing Company BrewPub

This Star Army Bases has an on-site vetted employee location of the Tokyo Brewing Company. It is a BrewPub location and its current menu is the Tokyo Brewing Company BrewPub Menu (YE 43). The location opened in YE 43.

Kikyo Pie Company

This Star Army Bases has an on-site vetted employee location of the Kikyo Pie Company. They offer delivery anywhere on base.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2020/02/19 22:21 by Wes.

Star Army Bases & Facilities
TypeStar Fortress
DescriptionFleet Base
OrganizationThird Fleet
Contact PageMikaela Maryamu
Map Locations
Map to UseKikyo Sector
Map Display NameSF Akarui
Map Coordinates1414,954
Map ImportanceMinor RP Location
Map Marker
Show label?yes
Marker AnchorCenter Center
Places of the SARPiverse
Opened/Settled (YE)YE 33
Place Categoriesmilitary facility
Risk Levelsafe