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Raijin Type Artificial Nepleslian

First appearing in YE 36, Raijin Type Artificial Nepleslians are a failed attempted by the Nepleslian Reds to re-develop ID-SOL. While capable of acting as infantry with their enhanced strength, they are currently mostly found in hard labor professions.

YE Production Began YE 36
Designers Athena Foundation
Manufacturer Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing
Nomenclature NRM-AN1-1A
Used By Nepleslian Reds
Availability Mass Production
Price 500 KS


Emerging in YE 36, the Raijin marked a fundamental shift in thinking from the Nepleslian Reds. These clones were created were first created as an attempt to recreate the Reds' lost ability to manufacture ID-SOLs. But it was quickly evident by Athena Foundation that the attempt was not going to work due to the lack of the super-Y chromosome within the surviving Nepleslian Reds. But despite falling far from the impressive strengths of ID-Sol, the newly dubbed Raijin Type achieved a level of fitness that takes the average Nepleslian years to perfect and maintain.

With this in mind, the foundation saw them as the ideal response to a growing need for the specialized skills and abilities required in the civilian sector they were responsible for cultivating while also keeping their military ambitions in mind. Filling the role as laborers of the population, the Raijin is considered a Generation 2 clone where clone development has a focus on quality and specialization rather than sheer numbers the Reds once thought was key to winning.


Raijin are massive individuals compared to the average Nepleslian due to their origins. Lacking the super-Y chromosome common for Nepleslians, sexual dimorphism exists within the model type's genetic profile. All Raijin are best described as “Olympian” or “stout like a bull”.

Average Stats
Male Height 200cm
Female Height 190cm
Male Weight 121kg
Female Weight 82kg
Build Athletic
Measurements 100C-83-107 (in centimeters)

Genetic Engineering

The Raijin Type Artificial Nepleslians, also referred to as Leizu when its genetics are appiled to a progenitor line of the Lily Type, boast a range of remarkable physical and cognitive genetic enhancements tailored to their roles within the Nepleslian Reds. One of their most notable engineered adaptations is a significantly denser musculoskeletal system. With a combination of upregulating genes related to osteoblast activity (cells that build bone), myogenesis (muscle formation), adjusting the expression of growth factors like IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1), pharmaceuticals, and temporary cybernetics; Raijin Type Artificial Nepleslian's musculoskeletal system is twice the baseline human standard. This remarkable density not only contributes to their overall strength but also enhances their resilience to physical strain and injury. It also grants them increased strength.

In environments with Earth-like gravity (1G), male Raijin Type Artificial Nepleslians can lift 2 times their body mass, while their female counterparts can lift 1.75 times their body mass. While they are still significantly weaker compared to ID-SOLs and older models of Nekovalkyrja, this extraordinary capability still positions them as formidable assets in physically demanding situations, whether in combat scenarios or in performing labor-intensive tasks that would be challenging for ordinary humans.

The Raijin Type Artificial Nepleslians also feature a stronger heart, which operates at an efficient 42 beats per minute at rest. This adaptation is indicative of their enhanced cardiovascular health, allowing for more efficient blood circulation and oxygenation, which is crucial in high-stress or physically demanding environments.

In terms of mental capabilities, these Raijin Type Artificial Nepleslians exhibit slightly enhanced cognitive abilities. While it is not a boost of raw intelligence; Raijin Type Artificial Nepleslians have improved problem-solving skills, quicker learning abilities, and a heightened capacity for tactical thinking. These cognitive enhancements are particularly beneficial in complex battlefield situations, where quick thinking and adaptability are paramount.

Lastly, their enhanced musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems grants them greater endurance, allowing them to operate effectively over extended periods without succumbing to fatigue. This endurance is beneficial in prolonged engagements or missions requiring sustained physical and mental effort. The combination of these adaptations makes the Raijin Type Artificial Nepleslians an invaluable asset to the Nepleslian Reds, capable of performing at high levels in various demanding situations.

In addition, Raijin Type Artificial Nepleslians created within the Fujiko Region receive the Fujiko Regional Adaptation.


Raijin Type Artificial Nepleslians typically do not receive cybernetic or nanite augmentations during their manufacturing period.


The Raijin Type Artificial Nepleslians, created alongside the Athena and Freya Type Artificial Nepleslians, were initially intended for heavy labor occupations, with a particular focus on industries such as traditional mining. Their robust physical build and enhanced musculoskeletal system make them exceptionally well-suited for tasks that require significant strength and endurance. However, the inherent capabilities imbued in their design extend beyond labor-intensive roles to encompass significant combat applications.

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Demibear created this article on 2023/11/21 23:08.

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