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Yumiuki is a city on Yamatai (Planet). It is the capital of the Yumi Prefecture and is located on the coast of the Sea of Melami.

Note: Yumiuki isn't actually a Yamataigo (邪馬台語) word, but one of another Yamataian regional language.


Yumiuki was established hundreds of years prior to the formation of the Yamatai Star Empire.

In YE 34, students at Yumiuki schools helps make “cottage industry” Star Army Field Rations, Type 31 for soldiers 1).

Gabriela Lively and Dr. Poppy Pink vacationed in Yumiuki in YE 422).

In YE 45.6, the Imperial Premier of Yamatai, Hanako, hosted a huge beach party in Yumiuki3) that was attended by thousands.


A lush, green, beautiful city, it has awed tourists from every corner of the galaxy since its founding. Naturally, its primary industry is tourism. It also exports wood products such as fine furniture and green tea4).

RP Description

The sun had just dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of pink, orange, and indigo, casting its farewell glow on the exotic jungle city of Yumiuki. Nestled at the meeting point of wild, lush forest and the endless azure sea on the vibrant hub planet of Yamatai, Yumiuki had always been a feast for the senses. But tonight, it was transforming into something even more magical: a nocturnal playground pulsing with energy, laughter, and the spirit of endless celebration.

Booming music reverberated through the air, a siren call that lured people out of their neon-lit bamboo huts and futuristic high-rises. The beats meshed with the symphony of natural sounds—the chirping of alien birds, the rustle of otherworldly foliage, and the constant, soothing backdrop of ocean waves. Towering ferns and bio-luminescent plants framed the beach, their glow accentuating the kaleidoscopic light shows projected onto the swaying palms and the ancient, time-worn statues that dotted the area. It was as if the very soul of Yumiuki was alive and dancing.

Holographic banners floated in the sky, announcing the night's festivities in shimmering letters, visible from every corner of the sprawling jungle metropolis. Hovering robots zipped through the air, capturing smiles, dance moves, and toast raised to the heavens as they tried to put rumors of war out of their minds. Partygoers, humans, Minkans, and Nekovalkyrja mingling with a myriad of other species, sported attire that ranged from traditional jungle garb to the latest interstellar fashion. Neon tattoos glowed on their skin, responsive to the music's tempo, while their laughter mingled with the exotic, intoxicating scents carried by the breeze.

Massive floating stages, tethered to the sea floor by luminous chains, hosted DJs and performers who had traveled across star systems to be part of this unique celebration. Their platforms bobbed gently on the waves, creating a hypnotic, surreal spectacle. Vendors floated on hovercrafts above the warm, shallow water, selling delicacies that tickled the palate with flavors unattainable in any other part of the galaxy. From skewered fruits that fizzed in your mouth to cocktails that changed flavors as you sipped them, the offerings were a gastronomic adventure in themselves.

From the cliffs that framed the beach, overlooking this grand tableau, the sparkling cityscape of Yumiuki stretched out like a jeweled canvas. Towering spires of ancient temples mingled with ultra-modern skyscrapers, all interconnected by glowing vines and high-speed transport tubes. But tonight, the real spectacle was on the sands below, where every footstep released a burst of phosphorescent light from the bio-luminescent algae, and every smile seemed to shine as brightly as the stars that were beginning to emerge in the heavens.


Yumiuki is on a major rail line:

OOC Notes

Wes created this article on 2020/11/29 07:36.

Places of the SARPiverse
Opened/Settled (YE)Pre-History - Before YE 01
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