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Amit Base

Amit Base (also known as Sugita Base) is a former Star Army of Yamatai Frontier Starport located on the largest moon orbiting the second planet of the SX-01 “Vale”.


Built in YE 39, Sugita Base was made to house Star Army Intelligence operations and the forward deployment of Star Army of Yamatai personnel. The base was intended to provide ongoing support the covert missions of Star Army Intelligence Operatives in these remote star systems and others in this particular region of space.

In mid-YE 41, the Star Army closed the base and stripped the base of Star Army assets, leaving only the facilities and some basic equipment. By the end of the year, the New Dusk Conclave decided to claim the base and renamed it Amit Base.


As the moon has no atmosphere, the above ground portions of the installation are contained within a dome of transparent Zesuaium. The SAINT analysts were located in 4 underground bunkers beneath the main installation. There were additional physical security measures in place to ensure that unauthorized personnel did not accidentally stumble into the SAINT facilities, but most of these were deactivated when the Star Army abandoned the system in YE 41.


The former Frontier Starport has the following features, they once provided facilities for Star Army of Yamatai and civilian vessels arriving at the planet:


OOC Notes

This article was approved here by Wes.

Places of the SARPiverse
Place Categoriesmilitary facility