Mishhu Invaders

Mishhu Invaders, or as its real release title Mishhuvurthyar Invaders: The fight for Funky City is a first person multiplayer shooter game released by Kaidan Telecommunications for download onto standard holographic projection capable communicators from their Net site for 200KS. It features several game modes, ranging from Story Mode and Time Attack to one on one versus and team battles. It also features an upload function where a player can post their compleation rank (ranging from F to AAA+) as well as the time stamp on Kiadan's player fourm.


The player can choose from a Male Nepleslian or a Female Human as their character, each have a separate weapon and story tree. The Nepleslian is stronger and tougher then the Geshrin and is capable of accomplishing strength related puzzles and is also the only one of the two capable of handling melee weapons, his one flaw, is his lack of secondary weapon add-ons and a smaller inventory then the other.

The Geshrin is smaller, faster and more athletic then the Nepleslian, which helps with navigating the ruined Funky City and other hard to reach places, she's also capable of combining weapons and accessories to create new weapons, and has three extra inventory slots. Her handicap is a lack of close quarters weapons should she run out of ammo and a lower constitution.

Additionally, should the player complete the game and save a clear file, they would also unlock a special third storyline, which was added after the release of the game by Kaidan. This third character was a Nekovalkyrja who wore a Ke-M2-1A Mindy powered armor suit. The third route was the straightest, affording a shorter playtime, but was also the hardest. The Mindy came equipped with only the M2-W2901 Aether Beam Rifle, which could switch from close quarters to ranged combat, but batteries for the weapon were scarce and the player would have to budget their ammunition. Aside from that, with this storyline being the most straightforward of the three, the Mindy pilot is generally attacked by the most targets out of the three.

Aside from the selectable main characters there are several Key NPCs based on real people who were witness to the actual battle.


The player is the sole survivor of a quick response team that was dropped into the ruins of Funky City after the Mishhuvurthyar's orbital bombardment, the orders at the time were to rescue any civilian and military personnel that survived and eliminate any and all Mishhuvurthyar presence.


General reviews for the game were favorable, many liked the style the game was set in, a nameless hero whom the player could assume the role of was generally considered the high point, along with the branched storylines and stylized weapons. Some critics said that a lack of Nekovalkyrja characters was a bad move, though that was a trivial point when Kaidan released an update patch that allowed for a third storyline after the main game was finished. This third storyline is considered the hardest due to increased difficulty, scarcity of ammunition and abundance of enemy targets. Chatters on Kaiden's bulletin board hold routine contests to see who could complete Story #3 the fastest with the least amount of ammo.