Table of Contents

Tachiko's Legacy Inventory

As Takeda Tachiko was away from her ship in a shuttle prior to the accident that caused her to end up in cryostasis for more than a decade, she possesses a veritable museum of 20's military equipment and fashion. Her personal effects were retrieved and stored by PERSCOM per protocol for SA personnel who are Missing in Action.

She keeps all of this in a secure, armored, climate-sealed footlocker as a memento of her previous life. The locker bears the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet's Insignia emblazoned prominently on the lid. On either of the short sides are the insignias of the YSS Akuro NS-X5-01 and the YSS Yukika NS-X5-12, on the left and right side, respectively.

YSS Akuro Fleet Patch 5th Expeditionary Fleet Patch YSS Yukika Fleet Patch

Uniforms and Clothing


OOC Notes

Yuuki created this article on 2019/12/31 02:22.

This is the old inventory Wes retrieved, moved to a separate page. Tachiko keeps it all in a box.