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Ki-V1-C "Banshee"

The Banshee is a custom Ki-V1 "Hoplite" Variable-Configuration Fighter owned by Amelia Stroud. the vehicle is a custom overhaul of the Ki-V1 frame that was carried out in Bastia in YE 37.

About the Banshee

The Banshee is a transatmospheric fighter capable of changing its configuration from a standard fighter form to a bipedal walking vehicle for close support as the situation demands. Unlike the original Hoplite, it doesn't have the Soldier configuration.

The decision to remove the Soldier configuration was carried out to reduce the complexity of the original frame, which would end up making it easier to replace worn out parts during maintenace as well as improve the durability of the Hoplite's frame by having less parts that could be potentially broken.

To expand on the Hoplite's original, rugged design, where it had been built with only a bit more than was absolutely necessary, several of the existing systems were replaced with modernized ones, providing it with a better electronics suite than the base Hoplite model.

Mission Specializations

Key Features


Originally a damaged Hoplite (Halloween, TC: 21-4, IC: 120-93-23) gifted to Crash Mckill on YE 37, the starfighter had its original cockpit instruments and frame intact, although the weapons systems, shields and power generator were damaged beyond repair. To fix that, it had a simple set of fusion engines installed to bring it back to operational levels, and the vehicle was then gifted to Amelia Stroud, who used it for several months as a freelancer pilot, scoring two kills before the overhaul.

In YE 37, the major overhaul to the Hoplite was carried out in Bastia. The choice was made due to the station's already robust starship industry, which would make finding the needed systems and materials less hard, reducing the time to fabricate or procure them, while the lesser choice was due to the system's neutral standing with every other nation.

During the overhaul, the fighter was stripped out of all its components to modify its frame, which was lengthened to install the small living space. During this process, most of its zesuaium frame was preserved, while the extra added or replaced sections were made out Nerimium. By the end, the original Hoplite's frame was modified to only switch between the Fighter and Walker (Intermediate) configuration. Once this process was done, the new systems and weapons were then installed over the next few months, bringing the then Ki-V1-C back into operational status by the late part of the year.


The Banshee retains the same aerodynamic shape of the original Hoplite for operations inside an atmosphere, although its general shapes favor hard edges than the soft curves of the original model. For space flights, eight separate microthrusters adjust the heading while also allowing the fighter to perform vertical and a backwards horizontal movement, and while it has its own set of flaps for atmospheric flights, it can still use the microthrusters for VTOL flight.

When in the Walker mode, the fighter has a “chicken walker” look due to the reverse-jointed legs, while the “nose” opens up to reveal the extra PLA-03a and shielded monoeye. Added to that, there is also a set of utility arms so that the pilot can grab things. While in this mode, the Ki-V1-C is still capable of flight, as the main engines still point backwards but at a 30 degree angle, while the microthrusters perform the stabilization. The downside is that on this mode the flight speed is very limited due to the non-aerodynamic form.

Another feature of the “chicken legged” design is that the first set of leg joings can slide along rails on the forelegs, which allow the vehicle to adjust its height without having to lean forward or backwards and making better use of cover provided by terrain when in that configuration.

Statistical Information

Organization: Independent Type: Transatmospheric Variable-Configuration Fighter Designer: Star Army of Yamatai, Bastia Shipyards Manufacturer: Bastia Shipyards Production: Single Run Crew:1 Maximum Capacity: 2 (although piloting it would be uncomfortable) Passenger Capacity: There is space for 1 person aboard the living area behind the cockpit, but it's not meant to be used while the fighter is being used in an operation. Weight: 13.8 tons (~14000 kg) empty weight, 27 tons (27000kg) maximum loaded weight Carrying Capacity: 75 tons

Starfighter Configuration (F)Walker (W) Configuration
Length (17.3 meters) (9.2 meters)
Width (13.7 meters) (5.3 meters)
Height (5.2 meters) (6.55 meters)


Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.


The fighter's cockpit is accessible through the metal canopy when it's open, and is a mismatch of “oldschool” and modern systems; most of the physical displays are still Cathode Ray Tube monitors or dials due to their ruggedness, while other things, like the three-dimensional radar for spaceborne engagements, are handled by volumetric displays. In regards to the original Hoplite's cockpit, little in the Ki-V1-C was changed outside the instruments, and the craft still retains the same zesuaium-lined cockpit, which provides a superior protection and survivability to the pilot in relation to the other areas of the fighter that are made out of Nerimium

Another feature of the design is that the canopy, unlike on most starfighters, isn't made of a transparent material to allow the pilot to see through, but instead is instead a solid metal cover that opens up to either side to enter or leave the fighter, while the vision is done by several cameras outside that mimic a field of view, projecting it on the pilot's HUD as if they were inside a regular cockpit.

Behind the cockpit, the small living space is accessibly by folding up the pilot's seat and going through a small crawlspace. Inside it, the space is a cylinder-shaped room with one footlocker to store a few belongings or provisions to either side, while the center is a padded surface that serves as the sleeping mat, there are also several straps above to secure any gear.

Onboard Systems Descriptions

Life Support

Located near the power core of the aircraft, the life support systems are responsible for recycling the air inside the cockpit (or the pilot's own internal systems if a breach were to happen) and keeping the pressure and temperature on normal levels. The first two are achieved by a simple set of air scrubbers and vents or a tube that can be connected to a separate oxygen tank while the temperature is regulated by the starfighter's air conditioning inside the cockpit and living space, and the excess heat from when its travelling outside atmosphere is dissipated through the wings, which also act as a radiator.

Additionally, Gravitational Plating was added along the cockpit as a sort of inertia dampener. The plating on both the cockpit and the living area are set to a standard 1G, but when the onboard AI detects a change on the G forces it alters the configuration to reduce the positive and negative Gs that the pilot would usually pull during maneuvers in a combat situation, allowing them to make more aggressive maneuvers with the usual training and equipment.

Propulsion and Power

Two NAM Dual-stage Hyperspace Tap Drive are located on the rear of the vehicle, while original eight microthruster clusters meant for maneuvering in space or the VTOL mode in atmosphere remained unchanged. For the FTL travel, the CDD was upgraded to a more recent version, which allowed for faster transit times than the original Hoplite.

To power the other systems and weapons, a Hyperspace Tap Reactor was mounted on the center rear of the aircraft.

AI and Eletronics

Two Pawn cores are located behind the 'living space' of the aircraft and are responsible for -besides the sensors- several key functions of the fighter so that the pilot can keep their attention on efficiently controlling the vehicle. Things like stabilization while in flight or land, target acquisition and warnings are some of the functions that are handled by the AI during a mission, while outside one it makes for a good conversation.

To supplement the AIs, one set of monoeyes is located under the hull of the aircraft to assist in air support, while a second set of it is located inside the nose along with the third PLA-03a and the utility arms, and only used when the Walker mode is engaged. To supplement that, a Noisemaker is also present and can be activated for an ECM capability.


Two CPS shield emitters are located besides the main powerplant. One is always on and provides a passive bubble around the vehicle, while the second one activated to supplement the protection from the first against incoming fire.

Weapons Systems

Fixed Weapons

Heavy Penetrating Vulcan

The main gun of the Banshee is located under the nose of the aircraft while the ammo drum and feeding systems are located behind and below the living compartment. An interesting feature is that the weapon is mounted slightly off center of the fighter's frame to the left, so that the barrel that is firing is in a nine'o'clock position, which accurately centers the recoil force, preventing the Banshee from veering off target during a burst due to the changes of pitch and yaw, while also providing space for the forward landing strut on the right side.

Dual Plasma Chaingun mounts

To either side of the nose are two sets of the plasma chaingus on a fixed mount meant to engage powered armors or other fighters. Although they are rarely used for ground support, they can still be used when the main gun runs out of ammo. When the walker mode is engaged, the mount for the chainguns can move vertically.

Pulse Laser Arrays

There are three PLA-03as mounted on the vehicle. One located in front of each of the internal missile/bomb bays that provide a wide cone-shaped area of defense against incoming missiles, while the third PLA is located inside the nose of the aircraft, and becomes usable when the Banshee engages the Walker configuration.

Internal Bays

To the front of the wings and behind the cockpit are located the two internal missile/bomb bays of the Banshee. Each bay has the capacity to mount two different kind of munitions, or the pilot can opt to choose the same loadout for either of them. Unlike with the wing-mounted weapons, these can be used when the vehicle engages the walker mode.

Compatible Weapon Systems

Wing Hardpoints

There are four hardpoints on each wing to mount extra ordinance, or weapon systems that normally wouldn't fit the already expansive internal bays, which comes at the cost of increased parasite drag to the aircraft. When the banshee engages the walker configuration, the wings fold onto the lower back and utilizing the weapons on the hardpoints becomes impossible.

Compatible Weapon Systems

Each hardpoint can mount one of the following

OOC Information

Foxtrot813 created this article on 2015/11/23 10:18.