Table of Contents

Tin-To'a (Ship Second)

The occupation of Ship Second in the Poku Saeruo Degonjo is one of respect and responsibility. Ship's Seconds execute the orders of the Tin-Ta'a (Ship Commander) and manage the crew in accordance with the commander's orders. Many department heads and individual crewmembers report directly to the Ship Second, who then reports to the Commander.

Ship Seconds receive their training while in the service of their Jaeli (Sects), upon proving themselves worthy.

Language Tin-To'a
Meaning Ship Commander (Speaker for the Ship)
Pronounced: tēn-tō-ă

This table provides information on which Jaeli (Sects) have members who are of this occupation.


This position does not come with a 'rank', the individual maintains their rank from their occupation. Well-respected individuals with connections can sometimes receive this position with a rank of only Sasâvyjo'sa (Journeyman), though this is rare. The normal rank to be considered is Sasâvyjo'ka (Senior Journeyman).

Skill Description

<This Character> has received training in commanding a starship. They are familiar with the capabilities of all Poku Saeruo Degonjo vessels, and the standard tactics used. They are trained in leadership and personnel management, and they know how to evaluate crew member capabilities, delegate authority, and enforce the clan laws aboard ship.


Tin-To'a (Second Commander)
//<This Character>// has received training in commanding a starship. They are familiar with the capabilities of all [[faction:hidden_sun_clan]] vessels, and the standard tactics used. They are trained in leadership and personnel management, and they know how to evaluate crew member capabilities, delegate authority, and enforce the clan laws aboard ship.