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Ytaqo'a (Gatherer)

Gatherer is a traditional occupation in the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. Ytago'a are trained to fully survey, collect and transport resources often initially discovered by Ismâo'a (Seeker). Common resources collected by gatherers include edible vegetation on a planet, ore discovered in the depths of an asteroid, or valuable gases and frozen liquids in the rings of a distant world.

Gathering has a place in Clan Hunting culture.

Gathering, as an occupation and activity, is distinct from salvaging and harvesting; those are the domains of the Wadâmo'a (Harvester).

Language Ytaqo'a
Meaning Gatherer (One who gathers)
Pronounced: īt-ăgō-ă

This table provides information on which Jaeli (Sects) have members who are of this occupation.


Persons working in this occupation can hold any Sabu (Rank). Their rank is commensurate with their skills, subject matter knowledge and abilities.


Spacefaring Gatherers often make use of the Clan's dedicated ship for that purpose, the HS-SS2-1a Ytaqo'a (Gatherer) - Class Ship.

Skill Description

<This Character> is trained in gathering resources. They are trained in surveying, identifying, collecting. They are also trained in preparing gathered materials for shipment, and in scheduling and managing trips and flights. They can use applicable tools of the trade. Senior Ytaqo'a become experts in gathering a particular resource. ==== Code ==== <code> Ytaqo'a (Gatherer) <This Character> is trained in gathering resources. They are trained in surveying, identifying, collecting. They are also trained in preparing gathered materials for shipment, and in scheduling and managing trips and flights. They can use applicable tools of the trade. Senior Ytaqo'a become experts in gathering a particular resource.</code>

OOC Notes

Most are members of this Sect