Table of Contents

Treaty With Ohara

Proposal #69: Treaty Between the Yamatai Star Empire and the Lage Republic and the Haton Federation and the Other States and Principalities of Ohara submitted to the Senate of Yamatai in YE 28 where it passed. This treaty was successfully amended in YE 29 by the Amendment To Treaty With Ohara thanks to the efforts of Phod Phod Senator Vax Jameson.


Whereas the Yamatai Star Empire wishes to recognize and create a state of peaceful and mutually prosperous relations with the Lage Republic, the Haton Federation, and Other States and Principalities of Ohara (Hereto collectively referred to as the States and Principalities of Ohara), we mutually agree to enact and to follow the terms of this treaty:

1. The States and Principalities of Ohara will now be recognized as self-ruling states under the Yamatai Star Empire. This does not require any change in governments or leadership. All citizens of Ohara will be recognized as citizens of the Yamatai Star Empire with the rights and freedoms thereof.

2. The Yamatai Star Empire and the States and Principalities of Ohara agree to maintain friendly, honest, and peaceful relations and communications with one another. The Yamatai Star Empire and States and Principalities of Ohara agree to make at least one diplomatic communication with each other per month.

3. The Yamatai Star Empire and the States and Principalities of Ohara agree not to commit malicious acts against one another or employ others to commit malicious acts against one another.

4. Both the Yamatai Star Empire and States and Principalities of Ohara will recognize all ranks and titles bestowed on a person by the Yamatai Star Empire, its member states, and/or the States and Principalities of Ohara.

5. The Yamatai Star Empire will set aside ships, funds, and trainers to facilitate the creation of a new fleet of the Star Army of Yamatai. Trainers from the Star Army of Yamatai will instruct Phodian personnel on use of Star Army of Yamatai weaponry and technology. The goal of this will be to enable the people of Ohara to be able to provide for their own defense. The Star Army of Yamatai fleet will be permanently stationed in the Ohara system and will not be used as part of the Star Army of Yamatai.

7. In event of a large-scale attack on the planet Ohara by hostile forces, the Star Army of Yamatai will come to the aid of Ohara's Star Army of Yamatai fleet. In the event that Ohara is rendered uninhabitable, the Yamatai Star Empire will provide a new home for the Phodians.

8. The Star Army of Yamatai's military bases on Ohara will provide support and supplies to Star Army ships as needed.

9. This treaty is valid immediately upon approval by all governments involved (or the leaders thereof) and lasts forever unless all parties agree to nullify it. All parties must approve any modifications to this treaty.


The States and Principalities of Ohara will agree to this treaty as is. We also welcome and are willing to consider suggestions in changes to the wordings and the terms of this treaty.


Sabo Heam General Secretary of the Socialist Party of Lage

Gak Teeton President of the Haton Federation

Mina Ottoson High Priestess and Regent of the Free City State of Everspring

Hlad Tosk General Secretary of the Socialist Party of Pinuu

Geo Minimax President of the Republic of Umbia

Vinu Heam General Secretary of the Socialist Party of Lagieasa

Zoid Tennet Prime Minister of the Republic of Bobi

Ado Black General Secretary of the People's Party of Chuno

Bosest McBant Mayor of the Free City State of Klala

OOC Notes

Proposal #69: Treaty With Ohara was written by Yangfan on 22 Jul 2005. Kim created this article on 2018/01/05 22:01.