Table of Contents

Proposal#120 - Formation of the Yamatai Emergency Management Agency

Proposal#120 was presented to the Senate of Yamatai in YE 45 by Senator Tetsuya Eitan (Airwin Caeyara) in representation of Tsenlan and the Akina System. It proposes the formation of an Emergency Management Agency as a department in the Yamatai Star Empire and provides guidelines on what they will oversee.


  1. The formation of a Yamatai Emergency Management Agency(YEMA).
  2. The formation of a Senate Emergency Oversight Committee to make Senators actively involved in the Emergency Management plan for their planet.
  3. To provide assistance to civilian settlements within the empire in dealing with natural disasters, invasions, and other emergencies.


The proposal has the following components.

The formation of the Yamatai Emergency Management Agency

The YEMA will be formed under the administration of the Imperial Premier. The Agency will be responsible, in cooperation with the also formed Senate Emergency Oversight Committee, for producing a yearly report which will evaluate the emergency management plan for each settled planet in the Yamatai Star Empire.

YEMA will be responsible for:

The Senate Emergency Oversight Committee will be responsible for:

The yearly report will include:


The results of the proposal was as follows:

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2023/01/16 13:40.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.