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Star Army of Uesureya

The Star Army of Uesureya stands as a powerful symbol of the Uesureyan Star Empire's might, vigilance, and determination to preserve its sovereignty amidst the stars. This formidable force, echoing the values and tenacity of its people, serves as both protector and enforcer for the Empire's vast interstellar territories.


Sometime after Uesu's Fleet's departure from the Yamatai Star Empire under Kitsurugi Uesu, the Emperor announced the restoration of the Uesureyan Star Empire. The fleet continued to be attacked by the Mishhuvurthyar in a war known as the Uesureyan War.

In YE 43, the Star Army of Uesureya sent a fleet of over 10,000 warships to the Battle Of Glimmergold, helping to end the Kuvexian War. The fleet was commanded by Taisho Muru Parasparta.


The mission of the Star Army of Uesureya is to uphold the sovereignty of the Uesureyan Star Empire, defend its borders, and ensure the safety and well-being of its inhabitants across the cosmos.

Area of Operation: The vast expanse of the Uesureyan Star Empire, including its numerous colonies, trade routes, and areas of strategic importance.


OOC Notes

Wes created this article on 2023/10/05 14:13.