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Division 5 Skrytnost Network

The Division 5 Skrytnost Network was created in mid EE 006v (YE 45) as a direct response to continued data breaches when it was discovered Kingdom Fall had been listening in on the navy’s communications.

In an effort to prevent further breaches, Skrytnost was designed to be somewhat low-tech with little to no interaction or reliance on existing digital systems to prevent interception of information.


Since the inception of Neshaten Division 5 in EE 004 (YE 40)its members have been fighting a battle in the dark against an unseen enemy at large, their only upper-hand at the time was the collection, storage, and transmission of information around the planet to coordinate their efforts far more effectively than the rag-tag radical groups.

In late EE 006 (YE 44) Kingdom Fall dealt a serious blow to the confidence and integrity of Division 5 with a well coordinated raid on one of their Northern bases, Ne'ushae. A lot of equipment was stolen and several operators were killed with 3 being kidnapped in the process of the raid. It was later discovered during the investigation of the raid that somehow Kingdom Fall had gotten a hold of staff rosters and ingoing/outgoing shipment timetables.

For the next year the Skrytnost network was established and refined by a small group of Commanders along with Vaughn himself as an impenetrable information delivery system between bases, impossible to hack without knowing the cipher list and with direct peer to peer communication via it's own communication lines also extremely difficult to intercept any other communications without knowing when and where it's being sent from.


Vaughn Li’Veero discovered a compromise in the communications used by Division 5 to organise units across the planet such as Captain assignments and large scale operations. As a result of several intercepted operations and failed information gathering attempts he personally oversaw the restoration of some almost relic aged technology.

The Skrytnost network is comprised of basic transmitter/receiver stationary terminals with no way to be connected to the greater wireless network of the Kingdom. These terminals deal entirely in text with no support for images or a GUI (graphical user interface) and were once a backbone for the early days of the Kingdom’s Agents and other intelligence members. Each terminal was recovered from various archive storage areas across Nesha Prime and restored to working order by Division 5 Counter Terror Agents hand-picked by the director. To operate a terminal a user must know 3 key pieces of information; the login credentials for the terminal they’re using which are unique to that device, the physical location and name of the terminal they want to connect to, and the Skrytnost Cipher.

Skrytnost Cipher

The cipher used in information transmission is cycled at intervals through a set of 12, some being ciphers used by the Navy in prior years while others were developed alongside the installation of Skrytnost. These ciphers aren’t just used to comprehend hidden information in normal looking text but also to piece together the information strings in the correct order to prevent received data from corrupting.

These ciphers are not stored in Division 5 locations permanently to prevent them from being copied or leaked to outside forces, however no one person has every cipher memorised. Director Vaughn devised a table requiring that at least 2 high-ranking members of the department will be required for every transmission and reception of information via Skrytnost terminal.

Each Commander is required to memorise a set of 6 ciphers each pertaining to the transmission and reception, these ciphers are required to send and receive information without it being corrupt or lost entirely, if the cipher is not matched at both terminals involved the message will be not be downloaded and instead destroyed via packet collision at the recipient terminal.

Each Captain is required to memorise the remaining 6 ciphers pertaining to encrypting and decrypting the messages themselves, half of these ciphers are used to digitally encrypt/decrypt files while the second half are more old-school and used to write/read the contents of the message in the correct order with the correct syntax.

Skrytnost Terminal Locations

There are Skrytnost terminals located at every main Division 5 base on Nesha Prime (Planet), however there are several smaller, portable style terminals that are often kept in the Netoshen headquarters for quick deployment to semi-permanent FOB's during larger operations.

OOC Notes

club24 created this article on 2023/07/08 21:36.

Article approved 2023/07/30 Here by Wes