Wapoin'a (Tender)

Within the Poku Saeruo Degonjo, those of the Tender occupation are the first responders, trained Poku'vonai who provide emergency Wapointe (Healing) aid. They are taught to use medical equipment, and they can perform first aid and other emergency procedures to help injured personnel make it to medical facilities. They are familiar with the Clan's Wapoin'te Iasai (Drugs), and they follow the Clan's Wapointe Jyaon (Healing Rules). Every Jaeli (Sect) has members trained as Wapoin'a. They are trained by the Otâmovi Wiy Jael (Silver Moon Sect), so they know the latest equipment and medications.

Language Wapoin'a
Meaning Tender (One who heals)
Pronounced: wăpōēn-ă

This table provides information on which Jaeli (Sects) have members who are of this occupation.


Tenders, by virtue of their training and proficiency, hold the following ranks in their field:

Skill Description

<This Character> is trained in Poku Saeruo Degonjo emergency medical procedures and equipment. They underwent a training program which included classroom education and hands-on training. <This Character> is capable of performing triage, and can provide emergency medical treatment intended to stabilize and prepare injured people for transport to medical facilities.

Wapoin'a (Tender)
//<This Character>// is trained in [[faction:hidden_sun_clan]] emergency medical procedures and equipment. They underwent a training program which included classroom education and hands-on training. //<This Character>// is capable of performing triage, and can provide emergency medical treatment intended to stabilize and prepare injured people for transport to medical facilities.