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Tin-Ta'a (Ship Commander)

The Poku Saeruo Degonjo depends on the crews of its starships to keep the clan supplied and protected. The Tin-Ta'a (Ship Commander) is a position of respect and responsibility. They receive their training while in the service of their Jaeli (Sects) upon proving themselves worthy.

Language Tin-Ta'a
Meaning Ship Commander (Speaker for the Ship)
Pronounced: tēn-tă-ă

This table provides information on which Jaeli (Sects) have members who are of this occupation.


This position does not come with a 'rank', the individual maintains their rank from their occupation. Well-respected individuals with connections can sometimes receive this position with a rank of only Sasâvyjo'ka (Senior Journeyman) though this is rare. The normal rank to be considered for this occupation is Kasâvyjo (Junior Master).

Skill Description

<This Character> is trained in commanding a starship. They are familiar with the capabilities of all Poku Saeruo Degonjo vessels, and in Clan Battle Rules and tactics. Their training includes leadership and <This Character> knows how to evaluation crew member capabilities, how to delegate authority, and how to enforce clan laws aboard their ship.


<code> Tin-Ta'a (Ship Commander) <This Character> is trained in commanding a starship. They are familiar with the capabilities of all Poku Saeruo Degonjo vessels, and in Clan Battle Rules and tactics. Their training includes leadership and <This Character> knows how to evaluation crew member capabilities, how to delegate authority, and how to enforce clan laws aboard their ship.