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Gulvisanorpa'a (Fighter Pilot)

Within the Poku Saeruo Degonjo, members with this occupation are the trained operators of the Gulvisa fighter craft, which is the primary small, swift starship in the Clan's roster of spacefaring vessels. Fighter Pilots are trained to fly their craft in space and in atmospheric environments. They also have training in navigation, weapon system operation, and fighter tactics. These pilots spend a great deal of time in the Ruonor Gulvisa (Fighter bay) of a space station or starship, or in the planet-side hangars; their assigned fighter is one of the most important elements in their lives, and successful Clan fighter pilots form an almost mystical bond with their ship.

Language Gulvisanorpa'a
Meaning Blade Pilot

This table provides information on which Jaeli (Sects) have members who are of this occupation.

Distinct From Other Pilots

The occupation of Fighter Pilot is distinct from the occupation of Âdornorpa'a (Pilot). Pilots are trained to serve as one part of a crew of a larger vessel, and their exclusive responsibility is the piloting of that ship. A Fighter Pilot must be familiar with all of the systems of their small craft, and they train exclusively with that ship; a Pilot may serve on a number of different vessels of varying size and configuration. Pilots can become Fighter Pilots, and vice versa; they simply change their occupation and can experience a different kind of flying.


Persons working in this occupation can hold any Sabu (Rank). Their rank is commensurate with their skills and abilities.

Skill Description

<This Character> is trained in the operation of Poku Saeruo Degonjo fighter craft. They are proficient in navigation in space, and in atmospheres. They are trained in starfighter tactics, and with the systems of the ships they fly.

Fighter pilot
//<This Character>// is trained in the operation of [[faction:hidden_sun_clan]] fighter craft. They are proficient in navigation in space, and in atmospheres. They are trained in starfighter tactics, and with the systems of the ships they fly.