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El-M6-S01 Burst Barrier

The Burst Barrier is a special subsystem that effectively weaponizes a shield barrier by giving it the ability to release energy bursts

About the Burst Barrier

It started development during YE 45 on Elysia Novus along with the El-M6-1a, a vehicle that it was originally designed for, though due to delays, the Burst Barrier ended up finishing development first in YE 46. It takes energy from the reactor, discharges that energy into the barrier field, compresses that field, and then releases it around the vehicle. The user's barrier will be weakened after use. The Burst Barrier is scalable to any vehicle size, including Power Armors.


In YE 43, the Elysian Celestial Empire tried to find ways to expand the firepower of their vehicles. As an experiment, the Burst Barrier was developed in YE 45 to see if barriers can be weaponized. Initially using only barrier energy, it was discovered during tests that particles can be diffused into the barrier to increase its density and enhance the damage done by the explosion. This discovery would be implemented into future production models of the device.

During the Third Mishhuvurthyar War, a prototype was installed into a restored El-E1-1a Concordia-class Scout for field testing. The prototype first used only the barrier's energy before being modified to be capable of adding Aether into the blast. During the field tests, the prototype exceeded expectations with barely any issues faced along the way.


Normally unseen as the Burst Barrier is installed internally inside the vehicle. By itself, it takes the appearance of a wide hexagonal box with the hexagonal planes as the top and base of the object, radiator-like panels run across the box's six sides. On the top and bottom of the device are ports where cables can be connected to, usually to the power source and barrier emitters.

General Statistics

General Statistics for the El-M6-S01.

Year of Creation YE 45
Designer Elysian Celestial Empire
Nomenclature El-M6-S01
Alt. Nomenclature N/A
Manufacturer Elysian Celestial Empire
Fielded by Elysian Celestial Empire
Availability Limited
Color of Discharge Variable depending on power source
Fire Power
Ammunition Unlimited as long as there is power
Damage Rating (Version 3) Variable added with barrier strength
Typical Usage Anti-Everything that's around user
Type A blast with varying appearance depending on power source
Rate of Fire 1 every 20 seconds
Range Variable depending on output
Ammunition Source Variable depending on vehicle it's installed in
Price ???

Additional Information

Related to the appearance, it uses the same emitters as the barrier it is connected to for the blast.

OOC Notes

Strikewyvernx02s created this article on 2023/12/28 12:37.

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