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Ulican-class Mobile Construction Ship

One of the larger ships constructed by the Abwehran Imperial Yards, the Ulican was designed to construct orbital stations in other solar systems and increase the safety factor of such projects. mobconship.jpg

About the Ship

Key Features

Mission Specialization


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History and Background

For countless generations, the Abwehran people had dreamed of colonizing space. During the After Conflict Era, they realized this dream but also learned the terrible cost of trying to live in space. Thousands would lose their lives in the great construction projects of the Jaspis System and thousands more would lose their lives before they were all completed.

Since the initial construction of the orbital facilities in the Jaspis System, Abwehrans have been limiting their construction projects to the safety of shipyards. The colonization of other solar systems requires orbital facilities which the Abwehrans need to survive economically and agriculturally. The lessons learned from the past Era have not been lost to them either. Because of this, the Ulican-Mobile Construction Ship had been on the drawing board for years, possibly decades as Kaiserlich F&E fumbled for methods to increase safety and decrease construction time.

The answer didn't come to the development of the Kesslinger Intelligent Operating System and the Mark I Construction Drones. With these two new products, Ulican development was completed in a matter of weeks as designs were modified for a low biological crew and a high drone output. The first Ulican by Abwehran Imperial Yards is to be released within the end of the fiscal quarter.

Statistics and Performance


Class: Ay-Y1-1a Type: Mobile Construction Ship Designers: Kaiserlich F&E Manufacturer: Abwehran Imperial Yards Production: Four Under Construction Fielded by:


Crew: 1233

Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 1300 people. About 4000 people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the ship would be extremely cramped.


Length: 958 meters (3143 feet) Width: 192 meters (629 feet) Height: 335 meters (1099 feet) Decks: 55 (6 meters each)

Propulsion and Range

Hyperspace Fold Drive: 0.2 ly/min Sublight Engines:

Range: 10 Years Lifespan: 50 Years Refit Cycle: After every Construction Project

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Inside the Ship

Compartment Layouts


More of a Control Room, the Bridge of a Ulican is a vast room of two levels. The top and smallest level is where the basic ship stations are located. Three seats populate the top level with one for the Captain, one for the pilot, and one for the navigator.

The second level contains the Communication and Sensor Stations. With four stations on the level, each individual is responsible for his own area of the ship (Front, Back, and both sides) and are to warn random vessels outside the construction zone.

Cargo Storage Areas

A massive section of the ship that takes up nearly a quarter of the volume, the Cargo Storage Areas contain all the consumables, construction tools, and necessities the vessel requires.

Crew Quarters

Unlike military vessels, each individual receives his own room. Each room contains a full-sized bed with matching chest of drawers, desk, and office chair.

Crew Recreation

The mental health of a crew is extremely important for any profession. Because of this, the Ulican contains a rather large park setting in its forward observation deck. This Observation Deck also contains several facilities such as a gym with swimming pool, a lounge/bar, and other accommodations.

Drone Nests

Honeycomb structures located near the hull, the Drone Nests are the primary maintenance and storage areas for all of the Ulican's Mark I Construction Drones. These Nests are connected to the Factory Section to enable easy replacement of all drones.


The Ulican's Engineering Section is designed a lot like a Standard Small Warship Engineering Section in the fact that it's a vertical facility that enables the direct ejections of any critical components from a ventral Airlock. This allows a Ulican to protect itself from reactor explosions by ejecting said reactor into space.


Factory Section

The most massive facility in a Ulican, the Factory Section takes up the majority of the ships total volume. Automated for rapid construction, a Factory Section is designed to run for six months without stop with a week of maintenance in order to continue. The Factory's lower levels have a large Airlock which enables Mark I Construction Drones to tow Construction pieces out of the Factory and into space.

Maintenance Conduits

Small passageways that technicians have to crawl through, they are large enough for an adult Abwehran male to crawl on his hands and knees.

Medical Center and Laboratory

Unlike most vessels of Abwehran design, the Medical Facilities of a Ulican are akin to a state-of-the-art hospital on the homeworld. Able to handle any type of medical emergency, the Medical Center is staffed by professional physicians to aid construction workers and technicians.


Passageways in a Ulican are a lot like hallways found in civilian ships in the fact that they have decoration in many of the living areas. The passageways in places other than living areas are utilitarian. Transportation between decks is done via elevators. There is also a central tube on each deck with a trolley system to allow speedy travel throughout the vessel.

Shuttle Bays

Located near the living area, their are nearly sixteen shuttle bays with four shuttles per bay.


Large cafeterias maintained by full-time staff, the Galleys serves meals on a 48/7 schedule. There are four such Cafeterias located between Living Areas and Factory Sections in order for workers to grab meals easily.

Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

Constructed using a standard civilian frame and covered with a thin hull, the Ulican is the first civilian vessel to use the old military tri-layer armor system in its construction.

Computers and Electronics

The Ulican uses a CU-24 Quantum Computer with a new Program-based Artificial Intelligence Model to provide a complex network and hive mind towards the Mark I Construction Drones.


System Name Type Effective Range Maximum Range
Civilian Laser Communication Short-range 4 LS (1,199,169.832 Km) 30 LM (3.6 AU)
Radio Short-range 400,000 Km 0.3 AU
Sound-Powered Telephones Internal N/A N/A
Subspace Long-range 5 LY 10 LY


System Name Type Effective Starship Range (Active/Passive) Maximum Starship Range (Active/Passive)
Civilian Gravatronic Radar Space-based Radial Gravity Detector (Active Only) .5 AU 1 AU
Infrared Spectrometer Radial Heat Detector 1 LH (7.2 AU)/30 LM 4 LH (28.8 AU)/2 LH (14.4 AU)
Imaging Scanner Package Directional Visual, IR, and UV Cameras (Passive only) 400,000 Km 800,000 Km
Civilian Subspace Mass Radial Mass/Movement Detector 80 LD / 40 LD 1 LY / 182 LD

Emergency Systems

The Ulican contains a variety of emergency systems ranging from compartmentalized construction with solid bulkheads to provide protection against breaches to about 72 Escape Pods. There are 12 escape pods located on each deck of the living area (6 decks worth) with all of them being located both fore and aft sections and occupying both port and starboard positions (6 on each side).

Life Support Systems

The Ulican has a hydroponics facility and recreational area which produce the majority of the breathable air on board, though it also has a Artificial Photosynthetic Life Support System as both back-up and filtration system. Like all vessels, the Ulican uses Unidirectional Gravity Plating to perform inertial dampening and to provide gravity.


The Ulican Mobile Construction Ship is propelled by a series of three Large Ion Engines, which are known for their fuel efficiency and durability compared to Fusion Engines.

Shield Systems

The Ulican uses a layered system much like military vessels with a Hazard Shield underneath a Hard Bubble Shield, even though its Bubble Shield is a tad weaker than its military counterpart.

Vehicle Complement

