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Athena Foundation

Operating within the Advance Works Division of Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing (NRM), the Athena Foundation are a group of cybernetic and genetics specialists dedicated to improving clones of the Nepleslian Reds. The foundation has two mascots: the owl due to the wisdom that it represents. The trickster Tanuki is also sometimes used, representing the unpredictable nature of Red scientists.


While the experiment in YE 36 to recreate the super-Y chromosome (the Raijin-Type Artificial Nepleslian) was a failure, it did create a realization with Red scientists that there should be a more diverse array of clones (or Artificial Nepleslians in modern usage) that a single type that did everything. Thus the Athena Foundation was established.

The Foundation would remain a largely unknown entity within the sector until YE 43 when they were approached by the Ryu Keiretsu. Needing a workforce for their expansion into the frontier and not expecting most Yamataians to apply, they wished to leverage the Reds' expertise in cloning. The Lily Type Artificial Nepleslian was the ultimate result, based on the development of earlier types of artificial Nepleslians created by the foundation.


Due to the lack of surviving scientists and engineers after the Fall of Kennewes, many members of the Athena Foundation were recruited by one of the shell biotech companies of the Reds and transferred to NRM when they were discovered to have sympathies towards the Reds/a professional mindset.

Name Ethnicity Specialty Profile Photo
Dr. Sanders European Descent Cybernetic and Genetic Engineering
Dr. Li Wei Lianjia Cellular Biology
Dr. Natsuko Lindberg Yamataian Genomics
Dr. Tanaka Aki Yamataian Genetic Modification Technologies
Dr. Magnus Nielsen Yamataian Quantum Computing in Bioengineering
Dr. Lina Bergstrom Yamataian Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Carlos Mendoza Mutari Lianjia Advanced Prosthetics
Dr. Bjorn Larsson Yamataian Nanotechnology in Medicine
Dr. Fatima Khouri Abd Bahadi Lianjia Neural Interfaces
Dr. Kim Seojin Nepleslian Stem Cell Research
Dr. Freja Jensen Yamataian Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Ravi Kapoor Mareesha Tissue Engineering
Dr. Hana Johansson Yamataian Nanite Surgery and Augmentation
Dr. Anika Van Der Merwe Neplesian Computational Biology
Dr. Kazuki Svensson Yamataian Gene Sequencing and Editing
Dr. Yuki Karlsson Yamataian Biomechanics
Dr. Ali Vahdati Mareesha Cellular Regeneration Studies
Dr. Kenji Lund Yamataian Bioinformatics and Genomic Data Analysis
Dr. Tara O'Sullivan Nepleslian Cloning Technology
Dr. Kyo Kjellberg Yamataian Bioinformatics
Dr. Siri Nilsen Yamataian Biochemistry
Dr. Erika Lindholm Yamataian Medical Ethics and Law
Dr. Ayumi Olsson Yamataian Gene Therapy
Dr. Haruki Berg Yamataian Ethical Philosophy and Oversight
Dr. Priya Patel Mareesha Stem Cell Research

Notable Members

The following are senior leaders within the foundation or individuals who have been key to successes of the foundation.

Dr. Sanders

An acolyte of Dr. X (Ravi Mendoza), Dr. Sanders increasingly found X's disregard for the well-being of others disturbing. When murmurs of the coup of YE 43 reached Dr. Sanders while he was working with Advancer Enterprises, he instructed members of the foundation still at NRM HQ to do nothing but archive X's more “disappointing” projects. When the coup finally occurred in late YE 43, they were able to maintain much of X's works after he fled to unknown parts of the Empire.

Current Projects

Always striving to push their understanding of science (especially in line of their mission statement), the Athena Foundation is currently working on the following:

Past Projects

The following are projects they have completed themselves or collaborated with an outside organiztion:

Athena Institute of Training

With the establishment of the Fujiko University in YE 45, there was a need for a graduate-level program in order to educate the future of the Nepleslian Reds and others within the region. The Athena Foundation decided to step forward, seeing it as a better way to find future scholars and staff than their current means of human resourcing.

The Athena Institute of Training provides the following programs:

Because of how new the institute is, scientists at the Athena Foundation act as professors. The relocation of the Foundation's laboratories to the University was done partially to accommodate this change in their schedules.

Master of Science in Genetic Engineering and Modification

The Master of Science in Genetic Engineering and Modification explores the cutting-edge world of gene manipulation, offering a deep dive into the techniques, tools, and ethics surrounding this revolutionary field.

Example Modules Include:

Professors: Dr. Sanders, Dr. Aki Tanaka, Dr. Kazuki Svensson, Dr. Ayumi Olsson.

Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering and Technologies

A convergence of biology, medicine, and engineering, the Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering and Technologies provides students with the skills to design the next generation of medical tools and treatments.

Example Modules Include:

Professors: Dr. Lina Bergstrom, Dr. Yuki Karlsson, Dr. Dr. Bjorn Larsson.

Master of Science in Cellular and Molecular Biology

Unlocking the intricate mysteries of the cell and its molecular components, this program grants students in-depth knowledge on the fundamental units of life.

Example Modules Include:

Professors: Dr. Li Wei, Dr. Seojin Kim, Dr. Priya Patel, Dr. Ali Vahdati.

Master of Science in Cybernetics and Neural Engineering

At the crossroads of technology and neuroscience, this degree delves deep into the marriage of machines with the human neural network.

With the guidance of Dr. Natsuko Lindberg and Dr. Hana Johansson, students are set to revolutionize the interface between man and machine.

Example Modules Include:

Professors: Dr. Natsuko Lindberg, Dr. Freja Jensen, Dr. Fatima Khouri, Dr. Hana Johansson.

Master of Science in Quantum Bioinformatics

Combining the principles of quantum computing with biological data analysis, this program is set to help students understand the fine line between biological and synthetic life.

Example Modules Include:

Professors: Dr. Magnus Nielsen, Dr. Kenji Lund, Dr. Kyo Kjellberg.

Master of Philosophy in Bioethics

This program invites students to contemplate the moral, legal, and philosophical considerations in the realm of biomedicine. Students will be prepared for the complex ethical challenges in biomedicine.

Example Modules Include:

Professors: Dr. Erika Lindholm, Dr. Haruki Berg.

Master of Science in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

Focused on the creation and restoration of organs and tissues, this program offers students the skills needed to create modern medicine.

Example Modules Include:

Professors: Dr. Ravi Kapoor, Dr. Seojin Kim.

Master of Science in Advanced Biotechnologies

Empowering students with the latest in biotechnological tools and techniques, this program sets them on the path to innovative discoveries. Students are primed for entering the biotechnology workforce.

Example Modules Include:

Professors: Dr. Siri Nilsen, Dr. Tara O'Sullivan, Dr. Carlos Mendoza.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2023/10/08 04:43. Artwork generated with by Demibear.

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