This page contains a list of 'slightly' used Geshrinari Shipyards starships that can be purchased. All vessels listed here are sold as is.
The following Ge-F7-1B - Jinsoku Cargo Runner were traded in by customers purchasing newer equipment. They are available on an as is basis.
Ge-F7-1B - Jinsoku Cargo Runner Cost 25,000 KS.
Ge-F7-1B - Jinsoku Cargo Runner Cost 15,000 KS.
Ge-F7-1B - Jinsoku Cargo Runner Cost 21,000 KS.
Ge-F7-1B - Jinsoku Cargo Runner Cost 15,000 KS.
The following Ge-L5-1A - Issoku-Class Cargo Runner were traded in by customers purchasing newer equipment. They are available on an as is basis.
Ge-L5-1A - Issoku-Class Cargo Runner Cost 15,000 KS.
Ge-L5-1A - Issoku-Class Cargo Runner Cost 35,000 KS.
Ge-L5-1A - Issoku-Class Cargo Runner Cost 20,000 KS.
The following Ge-Y1-1a - Henkei-class Starship were traded in by customers purchasing newer equipment or repossessed. They are available on an as is basis.
Ge-Y1-1a - Henkei-class Starship Cost 10,000 KS.
Ge-Y1-1a - Henkei-class Starship Cost 15,000 KS.
Ge-Y1-1a - Henkei-class Starship Cost 5,750 KS.
The engineering sections has been heavily damaged rending the primary power system, and propulsion CDD and Hyperdrive systems are inoperative. The Ge-Y1-V3100 - Life Support System requires servicing. All staterooms need refurbishment.
Ge-Y1-1a - Henkei-class Starship Cost KS.
Ge-Y1-1a - Henkei-class Starship Cost 12,500 KS.
Ship name painted on hull is “Anything Goes”. Ship has been modified. Each of the passenger staterooms has a slot machine. The wardroom has been setup with a number of standard games of chance. There is a chamber that serves as a kind of Russian roulette, the participant enters and once sealed, spins a dial, and then presses a button. There are attachments for up to 8 cylinders of gas. Only 7 are present (empty), the last one containing a toxin was removed. Ship requires life support servicing and all staterooms need refurbishment.
Ge-Y1-1a - Henkei-class Starship Cost KS.