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Maleirzwan Agdol-Vazaiyir

Maleirzwan Agdol-Vazaiyir is a player character played by antediluvianintransigence.1)

Maleirzwan Agdol-Vazaiyir
Species & Gender: Male Random Alien
Date of Birth: 4日 6月 Pre-YE01
Organization: N/A
Occupation: Traveling Freedom Fighter
Rank: N/A
Current Placement: Fighting against the Kuvexians.

Physical Description

Maleirzwan is humanoid in shape but the specifics of his body are far more grotesque in appearance. Around 240 pounds and 6''11 in height, he is a powerful figure akin to a peak human athlete in build. However he appears to lack a face that isn't instead some curved white matter somewhere between bleached bone, rotting human flesh, and hardened mushroom stem in its appearance. His mouth hidden by fleshy flaps that retract to reveal a large maw full of cruel jagged spikes. His skin is a sort of faded fleshy pink interposed with a kind of exposed muscle coloured gory red, making him to appear blood covered on parts of his face, arms, back, and legs even when fully cleaned. His entire body is made of a similar material though with more soft points to allow for flexibility around joints and some parts of his torso and lower body. Along with six fingers on each of his two arms, there are small tendrils that emerge across his body but they are hidden most of the time unless he needs to feed akin to most fungi; leaching nutrients from dead biomatter. He also has retractable stems with leaf-like flaps at their ends he can use to absorb sunglight as well as some forms of radiation for this purpose on top of normally consuming matter.

He is dressed in his armour most of his time, resembling heavy fatigues over which heavy looking armoured padding is placed. It causes him to have an appearance best described as hulking though even the metallic components appear to be fairly flexible due to its partially biological construction. It resembles a heavier version, bulkier version of some older ballistic vests and padding though scaled up and with a thicker construction. His head has a metallic framework around where his brows *should* be (if he had conventional eyes) as well as the sides of his head, jaw, and his face. All of this appears to have been bolted into his very flesh though closer observation reveals that he's able to control his body mass to basically cause these to fall off if he wishes. Subsequently, he can adjust any piece of armour on his body to fit him however he likes by basically pulling it deeper into himself hence why much of it behaves almost more like an exoskeleton or additional layers of skin and muscle along with being fairly flexible though sacrificing some durability in the process. As if to offset that however, he has these segmented exoskeletal gears built across the sides of his legs that allow his legs to bear more weight and to run far more quickly than his size would suggest.

He seems to have a slight smell of grass after rains but sometimes smells like soggy wood or dusty old rooms. His mouth doesn't move when he speaks; there are a multitude of organs deeper into his body that produce the sounds which tend to resemble deep reverberating intonations. In spite of his bassy tone, he is capable of using a secondary voice that is scratchy and higher register albeit somewhat distorted and in a way even more menacing by comparison. He can speak with both at the same time which creates a flanging effect that can make him seem either very loud or sound like he's got some electronic machinery vibrating inside of him very quickly.


This freedom fighter of currently unknown origins is known for his upright personality and stern dedication though he approaches his work with a weighty solemnity forged from years of conflict. However he can project a commanding presence filled with a fire and vigour of a creature half his age with a revolutionary fervour that time could not truly erode away. He has little in the way of hatefulness or spite with an open, honest personality. However he is noted as having a distrust of the majority of large governmental bodies, greedy corporations, and sprawling empires due to his upbringing as a guerilla fighter. It is not enough to border onto sheer contempt; he on occasion will work with some but he keeps a careful distance when he can. He is sympathetic to the poor, downtrodden, disenfranchised, and otherwise oppressed having grown up under similar conditions and for much of his life having fought for their liberation on his homeworld.

Maleirzwan is religious and does observe certain rituals associated with the worship of what he simply calls “The Nexus of Teeth”, a gigantic fleshy “demigod-planet” that he says created his kind and with them holds a hidden communion through telepathic means. The specific branch of this faith he follows isn't clear but then again, much of the specifics in general aren't either. He can be seen taking time off to pray, meditate, and sometimes use a mixture of strange hallucinogenic substances and burning incense for a sort of ritual. He doesn't often share these details with others unless he knows them well and the specifics of his beliefs don't often come up in most discussions. However the intense fervour with which he can rally others to action and the at times wildly apocalyptic speeches he can give make it clear that while he is no fanatic, his faith is not to be taken lightly regardless.


The world from which Maleirzwan came was one defined by a mixture of conflict whether international or interplanetary and it is amidst these cruel times that he grew up. That is typically the condensed version that he tells but to his close friends, he speaks of whole people's shattered and divided that battled amongst one another whether as the beleaguered occupants of colonized lands, would be rulers desiring themselves emperors-to-be, or the deceived lackeys of foreign tyrants stalking in the foreground. The tale usually ends there yet to nobody in Yamatai or elsewhere has he yet to reveal the full extent of his history. It is nearing the end of his youth that he grew tired of this cycle and seeked an end to the systems of imperial exploitation and stratified class division and subsequent conflict. However it is around this time he states that on one of the worlds he was deployed to, strange foreign ships of unknown design and origin landed yet with the help of their mysterious arthropod allies, the cycle was eventually broken.

His reasons for leaving in spite of this newfound victory are unclear but in recent times, he has been seen fighting against the encroaching Kuvexian forces on the ground. An obvious reason would be pure dislike of their way of life and culture but his frequent disappearances in the wake of these battles suggest motives beyond mere altruism. He has recently come into contact with the Special Personnel Projects division of SAINT who are now helping him get to active warzones and supplying him with some money for his operations.

Skills Learned


While he began as an insurgent, Maleirzwan is every bit as hardened as a professional soldier and his skill with a variety of rifles, shotguns, and machine guns is a testament to this. What his years as an insurgent fighter already taught him, the actual training he received on his homeworld only made deadlier. He has excellent knowledge of how to operate heavy weapons platforms, hunt down enemy vehicles, and to work as the infantry support of armour battalions as well as how to engage in ambush tactics and of course, guerilla warfare. This is only made deadlier by him being a bit of an amateur marksman; not enough to be a dedicated sniper but enough to make him a crack shot with most semi-automatic rifles. On top of that, he is noted to be an excellent close quarters combatant, making usage of swords, knives, and axes with an impressive tenacity. He is capable of wielding a weapon in each hand and displays impressive coordination and aggression.

Survival and Military

Used to fighting with both material advantages and disadvantages, he is at home supporting tanks and mecha as he is sneaking up on heavily guarded convoys. Thanks to his vegetation-esque biology, survival comes easier for him than most being able to not only consume native fauna and flora but also simply leach nutrients from the ground or generate them through sunlight or certain forms of radiation. Setting up camps and bases comes very naturally to him now as and you can be guaranteed he will try to take a leading role especially if he has less experienced soldiers around him. In warfare he can integrate into established professional units with ease whether it's clearing out treacherous urban areas or laying down heavy weapons fire to pin down advancing enemies. In the case of an enemy with distinct advantages in control, material, and numbers, he can easily adapt his tactics and strategies on the fly to become the scourge of well guarded supply lines and a thorn in the side of patrols trying to make their way through treacherous terrain.


Keeping in touch with sleeper cells and commando groups requires one to be able to quietly communicate and effectively. For Maleirzwan, he can do this in a number of ways. The most notable of them is his capability for telepathy though it requires him to “study” and analyse those he wishes to communicate with first if he wants to be able to send them any communications. This requires preparation before a mission and its range is not too far either. However, he does know how to encrypt his transmissions well as well as to receive them from a variety of sources using more conventional devices, including those built into his armour or high tech radios. Having fought with many different armies, he learns new languages and dialects quickly. As someone who is known for his charismatic personality, he can channel that flair for the dramatic into a written form.


Maleirzwan has operated a number of vehicles in his lifetime and a number of them were originally alien to his kind. He is primarily most familiar with ground based primarily wheeled vehicles but appears to have some experience with anti-grav as well to a lesser extent. He is particularly good with armoured personnel carriers and tanks whether using their weaponry or driving them. Subsequently, he's learned how to make repairs first from his own experiences in the field and later on from proper training though his skill in this area is primarily reserved to those sorts of land based vehicles.

Maintenance and Repair

Capable of repairing not only vehicles but also installations, automatons, and even armour, this old fighter had picked this skill up as a necessity when supplies were scarce and everything he and his allies possessed had to be able to be maximized in terms of usage. While he did receive proper training later on, he has a particular knack for repurposing spare parts and sometimes cross-cannibalizing different sources in order to ensure something stays operable though not always exactly presentable. Though he doesn't have much in terms of knowledge for theory, he can figure out what goes where with little difficulty and works well with dedicated mechanical crews.


He might be an old spore but Maleirzwan's body is gifted with great endurance and stamina. He's used to long marches hauling heavy equipment and navigating wilderness areas for prolonged periods. He is a particularly good sprinter even before his exoskeletal leg braces were given; a skill useful for darting from cover to cover while dodging plasma beams and mortar rounds. He's a decent swimmer, relying partially on inflating certain sacs inside his body for buoyancy though he can survive without air longer than most and sometimes will “walk” underwater. Due to a variety of special growths in his body combined with his years of fighting, he's unsurprisingly quite strong as you'd imagine from a creature of his impressive size and musculature.

Medical and Science

While his kind have high regeneration capability due to their ability to call on special nutrient stores on their body, Maleirzwan has had to deal with grievous wounds both on himself and his allies, many of which were not as fortunate as he. As such he had become a talented medic even before he received proper training and has even re-attached lost limbs in the past. He isn't necessarily familiar with a hospital environment with even his proper training being somewhat rough and oriented towards active combat situations but he is currently attempting to further this skill in the midst of the current conflicts when he can.

Social Connections

Maleirzwan Agdol-Vazaiyir doesn't have a whole lot of known contacts. He is in contact with a few members of the Special Personnel Projects who primarily help to provide transport and some money. Otherwise, it would appear his friends and family are primarily back in whatever distant system he originated from. What he hasn't told anyone yet is that he has a few other connections that left said systems with him. Of them so far the only known one is Zvraciek Svreziek though they have only been able to shortly meet three times before going their separate ways. They have known one another for some time though what their relationship entails has yet to be specifically revealed.

Inventory & Finance

Maleirzwan Agdol-Vazaiyir has the following:

"Ignivomon" Energized Liquid-Munition Adaptable Pulse Rifle

This hardened insurgent's signature firearm is an experimental one from his homeland. It has a simple rectangular prism esque shape and is features a series of rails on on each side of its body. It is 38 inches long but can be extended to 57 depending on the firing mode. One could mistake it as a conventional direct-energy laser weapon but in reality it actually fires energized liquid that behaves similarly. However, said liquid hardens into a partially solid state when energized and launched, resembling pointed crystals which impact an enemy with a moderate amount of force before expelling their energy as a directed burst. This is its primary firing mode and in this state it has roughly a 55 shot capacity.

However, it can also be used as a beam-based DMR, causing the liquid to react with an energy current that causes it to turn into lengthy beams when fired. This requires higher energy and with a full load allows for a capacity of roughly 10 shots. On the upside, this allows for much higher accuracy and armour-piercing capability with the downside that it has less raw impact. A sustained beam can be fired out but this burns through ammo quickly and requires a cooldown period afterwards. It is typically done with its extended barrel mode to keep the beams consistent.

Maleirzwan can also alter the power levels of the weapon and even feed it additional ammunition by plugging it into his body usually through a specialized connector port on his armour. These fluids when inserted into the weapon can cause a variety of additional effects. They can imbue the weapon with electrical or incendiary effects after mixing with and being energized by its energy pulses. They can also alter how the projectile shape from larger bolts into multiple smaller ones or turn a beam into a stream of particles that spread out as they travel, connected by thread-like liquid strands that burn and cut targets. However the glands that create these fluids require a lot of energy or specialized injections so this is done sparingly.

Origin Bladeworks Custom Battleaxe

This 20 inch long single-bladed axe is made of boreanium and features a molecular knitting system and monomolecular edge construction as well as a shock engine. It has a shorter blade on the back of its head and a retractable point emerging from its top. While it is not as fast as a short sword or knife, it suits his impressive strength and aggressive dual-wielding style in tandem with his combat knife, can slice through most standard infantry armour while its electrical capacity allows him to stun automatons and powered armour.


This Nepleslian machine gun has quickly become a favourite of Maleirzwan with its hefty 11.5x43mm "Slugger" rounds and purchased a three point sling and 200 round drum magazines to go with it. However he's made some of his own modifications; there's an unsettling fleshy mass growing on the weapon that would seem to be dirtying and adversely affecting the weapon. Hover this disgusting fleshy mass actually helps to keep out debris, siphons away heat, and can even use specialized liquids inside to help cool the weapon's barrel faster.

GP-12 Phased Pulse Rifle

Maleirzwan recently found a GP-12A in an H Bunker on Hanako. The silenced and accurate nature of the weapon has grown on him quickly.

"Profanation" Combat Knife

This hefty combat knife almost looks like a shortened sword and is another weapon from his homeworld. Its old and weathered form belies however its reinforced metal design; some sort of rare metallic compounds coat its tip allowing for enhanced penetration but it has a more unusual function most do not expect. Namely that beneath its steel exterior hides some sort of strange fleshy fungal organism that is capable of transforming the weapon into a lengthier serrated form with a curved blade, akin to a sickle or a shrunken war-scythe's blade, one that contains smaller curving protrusions along its curve. When it consumes blood or flesh, the blades begin moving and create a psychic resonation with Maleirzwan, gradually increasing the force of every strike as it grows hungry and excited.

Star Army Cluster Grenade, Type 29

These grenades with their combination of blinding light and randomized explosive mayhem are perfect for Maleirzwan's love of disruption and surprise. Combined with his Filth Tyrant centipede-limb, he can throw them quite far and even sneak them into small spaces. He can also cover a few in bio-gunk to hold them together as a single clump before pulling their pin and launching them for a larger explosion.

Type 41 Turbo Aether Plasma Shotgun

A powerful shotgun he discovered in the wreckage of a city while deployed on Hanako.

Integrated Combat Amour

Don't be fooled by the dated appearance of his armour; Maleirzwan's armour might not have the raw durability or cutting edge construction of more conventional outfits but it comes with a number of perks that when combined with his unusual biology make him no less deadly. The armour is fairly light for him and its synthetic appearance hides a number of biological components. Specialized sacs filled with a mixture of moss and gel that help protect from hard impacts and a number of benevolent symbiotic parasite-organisms inside allow him to more quickly begin closing and regenerating light to moderate wounds when his armour is pierced. The armour also links to his own internal bodily systems; it can actually harden at certain areas by redirecting some mass and using some of his own energy stores to protect more vulnerable parts to a light degree. It can even secrete a fluid that makes his armour difficult to set on fire as well as to help protect against burns or radiation. On top of that, it acts almost like a second skin and allowing it to be highly reactive in spite of its seemingly bulky appearance.

Perversion Temple Internal Enhancement Framework

A series of additionally grown internal organs and glands that connected with his combat armour in order to enhance his own abilities. They also store additional nutrients for regeneration and creating enhancement liquid for the Ignivomon. On top of that, they also boost his physical strength, enhancing his musculature. Additionally, they also help to regulate his psychic powers, especially useful when he is performing psychic communications due to the strain placed on his mind which is partially redirected to specialized neuro-reactive tissues and cell clusters.

Filth Tyrant Extendable Limb

A lengthy worm like organism that can extend six metres and is stored in his body. It is typically launched out of either of his palms and resembles a thicker bobbit worm. While it has no venom, it has multiple long fang-like claspers that can be use to grip persons and objects and is capable of supporting his weight as well as effective against lighter armoured targets through smashing them with it or even slashing them with its hidden fangs. He can also use it to hold his axe or knife, allowing him to engage enemies in close quarters combat at a moderate distance.

Maleirzwan Agdol-Vazaiyir currently has 8000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by antediluvianintransigence on 10, 09 2019 at 19:18 using the Character Template Form.

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Character Data
Character NameMaleirzwan Agdol-Vazaiyir
Character StatusAdoptable Player Character
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