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Ryuko Takashashi

Ryuko Takashashi is a player character played by Charaa.

Ryuko Takashashi
Species & Gender: Nekovalkyrja Female
Date of Birth: YE 46.6.6
Organization: Star Army Intelligence
Occupation: Star Army Intelligence Operative
Rank: Santô Hei
Current Placement: Operation La Prossima

Physical Description

Ryuko stands as an average Nekovalkyrja, Type 33, this being 5’3, (160 cm). deviating from most Nekovalkyrja, Ryuko had no hair on her head, but she did have eyebrows.. Her eyebrows were kept trimmed neatly so as to not cause a distraction.

Beneath her eyebrows and uncovered by her hair were a pair of almond-shaped eyes, which were red in black. On either side of her head were a pair of ears, which closely resembled those of a cat. Her ears and her tail were the only things that had fur because the rest of her body had skin.

Being in the military, she had a body that was slender, with the impression of athletics, along with an hourglass figure. Even though due to genetics and metabolism, which never allowed her to gain weight or get out of shape, she strives to treat her body like that of a temple, with respect and care, which meant that she was never stinky due to hygiene issues. Both of her arms ended in hands that had three fingers and a thumb. It was likely due to genetics and how she was made, her feet would have followed suit. Just above her rear end, as the beginning of a long prehensile tail, that was allowed to wrap around her legs lightly.

Due to the training she had undergone, she tends to walk upright, and when she stands or sits she tends not to slouch.


Ryuko is hyper, spontaneous, and agile, being very quick on her feet. She is easily entertained, easily distracted, and easily excitable. She dislikes when there is a mess in any room. She isn't afraid to get dirty, and enjoys cleaning everyone's messes with a gleeful, yet creepy charm. She becomes very focused on things she is ordered to do. She is shown to enjoy violence, as she was very ecstatic to be thrown into a warzone of any kind. She appears to have masochistic tendencies. She is also implied to be sadistic, stating her desire to “punish” people in a BDSM dungeon. She has “schadenfreude” tendencies

Despite all of her twistedness, she does have some kind of standards for how she views people, and has a list of those she respects, and those deserving of discipline 1). She is also shown to suffer from camera shyness, as whenever a camera begins filming her she goes into a state of hypnotic trance where she doesn't move, blink, or speak, just stares at the camera until recording is done.

Ryuko has an case of compulsively cleaning her space and obsession with ridding any bugs she sees to the point she would bring out a knife just to kill them. Even when taken outside of the base, she constantly attempts to clean any mess,

She enjoys killing insects, and has a particular glee for killing insect aliens 2) along with periodical moments of eating them. In addition to giggling maniacally, smiling adorably, and innocently wondering how certain things taste.


Ryuko Takashashi was created in a Hemosynth tank within the Yamatai Star Empire's Star Army base in, Planet Yamatai, on YE 46.6.6 . Designed as a soldier, she was intended to serve the Empire faithfully and efficiently. And she did so, just as she was designed to be eliminating her enemies as efficient as possible. With the war with the Empire’s oldest enemies once again commencing, she found herself in strange and disturbing places.

As Ryuko's skills and abilities became evident, she was transferred to the SAINT (Star Army Intelligence) division, where her unique perspective and analytical mind were highly valued. She continued to serve SAINT in good standing since then, and eventually like a few other SAINT Operatives, she was assigned to a ship, her ship was the YSS Cherry Blossom.

During a mission against the Mishhu, Ryuko had a fateful encounter with another Nekovalkyrja who had been affected by Fragmentation of Soul Transfer (ST) Data. This unforeseen event led to a disruption in Ryuko's own data matrix, causing her to develop unexpected personality disorders.

The encounter with the Fragmentation of Soul Transfer Data had a profound impact on Ryuko's psyche. Among the various personality quirks that emerged, her compulsive need to clean became the most prominent.

Ryuko's clean issues significantly affected her personal and professional life, While her training and combat skills remained formidable. Despite her struggles, Ryuko remained dedicated to her duties within the Star Army, constantly striving to overcome the challenges posed by her condition.

Over time, Ryuko embarked on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to understand the root causes of her personality disorders and find ways to manage them effectively. Through therapy, meditation, and the support of her comrades, she gradually learned to channel her compulsions into productive outlets and cultivate a greater sense of inner peace and balance.

Recognizing Ryuko's potential and determination, as well as her ST fragmentation. she was selected to join the organization's elite La Prossima task force. Ryuko's transition to La Prossima presented both new challenges and opportunities for growth. While the clandestine nature of their operations allowed her to leverage her meticulous attention to detail, the unpredictable nature of their assignments tested her ability to adapt and improvise under pressure.

Skills Learned

Optional section. Ryuko Takashashi has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

Ryuko name is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Ryuko Takashashi has the Star Army Standard Issue Items.

Ryuko Takashashi currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This article was created on 2024/05/11 17:17 using the namespace template.

In the case charaa becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameRyuko Takashashi
Character OwnerCharaa
Character StatusActive Player Character
which may include Rixikor