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Han Eun-hwa

Han Eun-hwa is an NPC controlled by GM Wes.

Han Eun-hwa (韓 銀河)
Species & Gender Human female
Organization: Ketsurui Fleet Yards
Occupation: Corporate Communications
Rank: Corporate Communications Manager
Current Placement: Ketsurui Fleet Yards Headquarters

Character Description

Han Eun-hwa is and ethnically Korean woman with brown eyes and long, straight red-brown hair. She is very wise and emotionally mature for her age, and has a natural urge to spread knowledge through teaching and mentoring. Han is considered by many a valued member of the family and a kind soul. She has a very gentle and sweet disposition, and enjoys pleasant conversation. She hates battles, and tries to avoid them whenever possible. Han is very protective of her family, and never forgets the pain of the losses suffered, especially in the recent wars.

History & Relationships

Han is the eldest of three siblings, being born in YE 20, and being the oldest of the children of a diplomat from the palace. Her parents, Gaeko and Eun-hwa, are highly respected as merchants, and enjoy being well-maintained and well-educated. Han, however, often hears rumors of the princesses from her growing up, which her parents strenuously deny.

History & Relationships

Eun-Hwa immigrated to the Yamatai Star Empire in YE 39. She began working for Ketsurui Fleet Yards as their Corporate Communications Manager in YE 41.

In YE 43, Eun-hwa made an appearance in the Resurgence Of Yamatai where she helped Gabriela Lively pick up a shuttle for the YSS Resurgence in Ketsurui Fleet Yards headquarters in Ketsurui no Iori1).



OOC Notes

This NPC was created by Wes on 2017/08/24 18:18.

Art by Hyeoii on DeviantArt; Adoptable purchased by Wes. See Artworks By Hyeoii for more by this artist.

Character Data
Character NameHan Eun-hwa (韓 銀河)
Character OwnerWes
Character StatusNPC Available for GM or FM use
Current LocationKetsurui no Iori