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Eyverska Aldis

Eyverska Aldis is a player character played by SmokeEmpress.

Eyverska Aldis
Species: Nekovalkyrja, Type 33
Gender: Female
Age: 9 mo.
Height: 5'3“
Weight: 125 lbs.
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army Starship Operator
Rank: Shoi Kohosei
Current Placement: YSS Soyokaze

Preferred Plots:

  1. Sakura II

Physical Characteristics

Build and Skin Color: Aldis is of average build for a Nekovalkyrja. She is slim for her height, but still has the curves that men and women could appreciate. Her skin is the color of Periwinkle.

Eyes and Facial Features: Aldis has light violet eyes that are set in almond shaped lids. Her nose is similar to a cat's nose, though of course the nostrils are pointed down as a human's would have been. She has high cheek bones, and her chin is slightly pointed, giving her face a bit of a heart shape to it.

Ears: Aldis has typical Neko ears that are covered on top in fur to match her base hair color of deep violet. The inner ears are a neon pink.

Hair Color and Style: Her hair color is deep violet with streaks of neon pink going through it. She usually wears it in a type of french braid that looks almost like a crown or nest where her hat can sit on it correctly. The ends of the braids are tucked up under to keep from being below the collar. When it is down, it falls in soft curls to the bottom of her shoulder blades.

Distinguishing Features: She has a few freckles that dust her nose and cheeks. They are reddish-brown in color.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Aldis, like her sister Herdis, is outgoing and friendly to others. She is even this way when she is not with her sister. Her speech is eloquent and flowing pleasingly to others. She hopes one day that her twin will be able to overcome her speech impediment, but for now the two simply work together to keep it from being too noticeable.


Family and Creators


Aldis and Herdis were born to Gershin parents. They had a very short, yet surprisingly pleasant childhood. They are natural born twins and, when it was determined that their mother would be expecting identical twin girls, they were both allowed and loved by their parents and the rest of the family. Allowed because of crowding purposes, but it was unforgivable for the first pregnancy to be altered in any way. The girls lived to the age of 8, for one tragic day the small family was in an unfortunate accident. The parents were killed instantly, though the girls still barely had life to them.

Rather than waste their lives, it was determined that they would be given to the care of the Ketsurui Zaibatsu and they were soul transferred into a full-sized Neko and a mini-Neko. Their own DNA went into the creation of the new bodies, though of course, being identical twins, even the DNA was identical. It was also determined that, to protect the girls, their memories would be altered to age them appropriately and to make them think they were made just like the others of their kinds. What came as a pleasant surprise was their bond of being twins: thinking alike and knowing where the other was at all times. When they talk, together, they finish each others sentences.

Both girls were given the training downloads needed to make them Shoi Kohosei, allowing them to learn to be officers, yet not quite be there yet. They both work well together as a team, though they can be separated into different units as needed. One of their tests, eventually, would be to see how far away from each other they could be and yet still maintain that bond of theirs.


YSS Soyokaze

Episode 3.0 "Breath, A Long Time Coming"

Aldis arrived at her new assignment with her sister, Herdis, and they were immediately shown to the Captain's Quarters. Upon arrival, the captain spoke with them both and then, after a bit of time, separately. This was to ensure that the Captain knew how they were together as well as apart. Aldis, being the more social of the two, had no problems with the interview. She was tasked at the end to find something for herself to do, so she had figured that maybe looking into engineering might be a worthwhile endeavor. (Episode 3.3 “Interview with the Twins”)

The two girls then went to their assigned quarters and put things in order before going to the mess hall to eat. Soon after that, they headed in separate ways to explore the ship.

Episode 4.0

Up to now, Aldis has had a pretty uneventful adventure. Now that the [i]Soyokaze[/i] was ready to head out, she took to the bridge with her sister and is now stationed with the shields, monitoring them as they embark on an exercise to see just how well they all respond to simulated combat…though they are not aware that it is simulated for the ship reacts as if it is real!



Eyverska Aldis has the following items:


Eyverska Aldis is currently a Shoi Kohosei in the YSS Soyokaze.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
3000 KS Starting Funds
Character Data
Character NameEyverska Aldis
Character OwnerSmokeEmpress
Character StatusInactive Player Character
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankShoi Kohosei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Starship Operator
SAOY AssignmentYSS Soyokaze