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Erika Elster

Erika Elster is a player character played by Sunny D.

Erika Elster
Species & Gender: Nekovalkyrja, Type 33A Female
Date of Birth: 35日 9月 YE 43
Serial Number: Serial #: NSN 33-43-561241-252455-1
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army Intelligence Operative
Rank: Nitô Hei
Current Placement: Resurgence Of Yamatai

Physical Description

Erika is 5’11“, generally towering over her sisters and has Nordic features. The smooth, fair skin upon her hourglass figure is drawn taut over her toned frame. What little body fat she has seems to be strategically placed upon her chest and hips. She has silver hair that extends to halfway down her back which she had pulled into a tidy ponytail, and her fringe has a set of bangs that frame her heart shaped face. A pair of round golden eyes are inset within, often wide, alert and shining with curiosity. Her voice is resonant, possessing a velvety quality and readily able to efficiently convey her emotional state. A scent of Eucalyptus seems to follow her around.


Erika's manner is more mature than her age would suggest. On duty she operates in a professional manner with the occasional individual joke. Off duty she is generally friendly and approachable, fond of pulling the occasional minor faux pas to break the cadence of her comrades. Though she projects experience, she is very aware that she has much to learn. She also has some strange hag ups around certain aspects of Yamatai society and technology, being unusually spiritual for a YSE citizen, let alone a Vat Grown Nekovalkyrja.


Erika loves competitive sports. When the girls get together to play zero g laser tag, she’s quick to jump in. Despite the fact she’s got the handicap of having a larger silhouette Erika tends to do quite well. In the case of most other sports her stature is a boon rather than a bane.


An occasional image of an acreage floats up into her minds eye from time to time, a place a part where she can more freely exercise her independence.

Maybe take up cooking?


Proud batch of ’43, Erika attended her socialization training, then basic. A 33A originally slated for ground forces, her instructors noted that she had keen observation skills surpassing those of her peers and thus recommended her for SELECT. She was shipped off to compete against other candidates at Black Sands. Built for the service with a sturdy psychological core, Erika managed to get through the ordeal and was given a ‘go’, though perhaps not without it taking a toll on her still developing psyche. Further training in utilizing her innate observation skills to conduct analysis further exacerbated these developing eccentricities. The change in her personality was deemed as within tolerance.

Despite the negatives, there were certainly some positives. There was something akin to a hunt in information gathering and analysis that spoke to Erika’s engineered genes; stalking prey, waiting for the opportune moment.

Following graduation, she was assigned to a SIFT unit to assist with their operations, specifically overwatch, analysis and communications. To better fill her role before deployment she was given additional training in Electronic Warfare.

On YE 45.4 Erika was deployed to assist the YSS Resurgence in assaulting a Mishhuvuthar fleet while the YSS Wakaba and her crew was recovered. She was subsequently reassigned to the Resurgence. For her efforts she recieved several awards, not the least of which was a Yui's Blood Medallion.

On YE 45.6 Erika participated in the YSS Resurgence's mission to explore a newly discovered wormhole. During the mission an ancient space station was located and secured, along with 20 million alien refugees.

Skills Learned

Optional section. Erika Elster has the following notable skills:

Social Connections

Erika is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

OOC Information

This article was created on 2023/07/30 14:33 using the namespace template.

In the case Sunny D becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameErika Elster
Character OwnerSunny D
Character StatusActive Player Character
PlotsResurgence Of Yamatai
Approval Thread…
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankNitô Hei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Intelligence Operative
SAOY AssignmentYSS Resurgence
Assigned QuartersCabin 5 (Deck 4)
SAOY Entry YearYE 43
DOR YearYE 45
DOR Month6