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Henrik Ovesen

Henrik Ovesen is an NPC controlled by GM Syaoran who appears in the OIF Salvation plot.

Henrik Ovesen
Species: Minkan
Gender: male
Organization: independent
Occupation: Contracted worker
Rank: Master
Current Placement: OIF Salvation

Character Description

Compared to most Minkan Henrik has a rather heavy build, standing at 5'10“ with clearly noticeable muscle even when clothed. He has short brown hair that is often a bit of a mess and soft hazel eyes that make his well defined facial features seem comforting.

History and Relationship Notes

A former member of the Yamataian National Police, Henrik lived a mostly normal life. However after several years in service, Henrik began to feel that his work was just a facade, the empire was so secure compared to other places that needed so much more help. He decided to quick his job and head out to work as an independent contractor to help those in need. Soon he found himself part of a PMC that that acted on behalf of people and not for profit in war.

Skill Areas


Character Data
Character NameHenrik Ovesen
Character OwnerSyaoran
Character StatusNPC Available for GM or FM use