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Mako is a Active Player Character played by Locked 0ut.

Species & Gender: Female NH-29
Organization: Disorganized
Occupation: Prize Fighter and Occasional Mercenary
Rank: Ya Mum
Current Placement: Up Yours!

Physical Description

On the somewhat tall end for a Neko, Mako is extremely fit with tan skin and reddish brown hair that she often wears in a ponytail. She's rarely without a sadistic grin or dower scowl, both of which show off her over sized canine teeth. Additionally she has a series of scars across her back like giant claw marks, as well as various other smaller scars hinting at a life she has no memory of.


Waking up in Funky City without a name or an identifiable history rarely creates a well adjusted individual. Having no memory of her life before roughly YE 34, Mako has spent the last decade forging her own identity and personality. She is often sullen and prone to violence. She believes everyone and everything has a price. On the rare occasions she comes to care about somebody or something she protects it with as much if not more anger and violence as she does protecting her own life.


Mako was born YE 35 in Funky City. Mako considers YE 35 her birthyear because she doesn't remember anything before that. Her earliest waking memories are of being a novelty named Megumin in a Funky City brothel. This lasted until in what she estimates was YE 37 when she snapped and killed a particularly sadistic John. To her horror, her body seemed to act of its own accord using instincts she didn't know she had. The owner's of the brothel decided that she was too much trouble to be worth keeping and sold her to the owner of an underground fight club. As a fighter she became a bit of an underground celebrity winning matches in hand to hand, with weapons, or even in black market power armor. She gave herself the name Mako and continued fighting even after she earned enough to buy her freedom. This lasted until around YE 42 when she made some pour investment decisions and fell into debt with a high ranking member of the Black Syndicate. She's currently doing her best to stay ahead of her creditors whether doing underground fights or working as a hired gun.

Skills Learned

Social Connections

Mako is connected to:

Top gang lieutenant [As of yet unnamed]] who drops in time to time to extort money off of her.

Inventory & Finance

Mako has the following:

Standard issue clothing and equipment

Mako currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

This page was created by locked_0ut on 09, 14 2022 at 09:00 using the Character Template Form.

In the case Locked 0ut becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameMako
Character OwnerLocked 0ut
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationFunky City
PlotsShades of Green
Approval Thread…