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Tacticus is a player character played by Readlliea.

Species & Gender: Robotic Male
Year of Birth: YE 19
Organization: Independent
Occupation: Farmer
Current Placement: Independent

Physical Description

The Taurtrons were a short lived series of robots that sported the lower half of their body made to look like a animal. Most came with a 'skin of fur' over them in the form of soft fur like material to help them appeal to the public. They came in varies animals such as dogs, horse, cats, and various farm working animals. Their upper half still resembled a human that would be given a similar 'skin and hair', some were even given shirts by their new owners. They often sported different 'fur/hair' colors compared to their real life counterparts as a customization feature.

Tacticus is in rather rough shape, patches of his skin fur have been pulled out or torn. The skin fur resembles a dog, possibly a husky breed with a mostly red body with markings on his legs. However to add a little flare of color, his front leg markings, underbelly and underside of his tail were made a harvest gold color. His hind legs sport a little white. A old harness that is broken is still attached to his lower body and the strap over part of his back, rests on a exposed area of metal and circuits. His 'hair' on the top of his head, share the same colors as his lower body, though there is just a little bit of yellow at the cheeks. His eyes are a golden yellow color and his 'human' skin is white.

The shirt he hears is made of a thin material though it is a long sleeved. Various dirt and grease stains litter it and the right sleeve is severally torn. Most of the shirt is a bronze yellow color, where part of the sleeves are white. His right arm is several damage, resulting in above the elbow and down to be gone and a few wires are exposed and dangling out. His left front leg also has a area where the metal components are exposed. When standing on all fours, Tacticus is 7ft tall and due to his left front leg, his walk is kind of a limp as he currently struggles to move that leg.


Taticus is programmed with a hard working way of thinking when it comes to work, though he has developed other things and he has the intelligence level of the average human. Tacticus grew to love working in the fields and watching over the plant life to help it grow. He is kind and caring, though he doesn't speak out against a order given to him; hence why he didn't fight when he had been sold off. He's also a curious individual who lacks the understanding of various things, such as technology, coming from a world that focused on agriculture.

Tacticus was very social with his first owners, however for the past decade; little over a decade, he has been alone in the container for so long, he is a bit rusty at socializing. So he has become paranoid and skittish the few times he's woken up, unable to get out of the container. He'll most likely become overly attached to any who becomes his new owner due to being alone and having been sold; which he didn't understand why he was sold in which he still feels sad and confused about.


TACTICUS was born in YE 19 in Amenx (Nepleslian)

Tacticus was manufactured by a small robotics company called Amenx, the company didn't have resources to build anything like the popular android or robot models but they did have enough to create their own line. The Taurtrons were originally engineered as physical laborers for farmers on less technologically advanced worlds that focused on agriculture. They were meant for families that had ill or wounded farmers who were unable to harvest or tend to their fields as well as help in family life by keeping a eye on the children. While Tacticus wasn't part of the first batch, he was in the second wave originally called 207, each batch had a hundred each in it of varying trons.

Being shipped out to one such world, 207 found himself in the hands of a small family consisting of a husband and wife, with three daughters under the ages of five and ten. The farm wasn't doing well and the husband was having issues getting around in their old age. Made for plowing in the fields, a harness was hooked up to his lower body and he did good work for a year. However Amenx wasn't doing so well, the company was getting complaints left and right of the Taurtrons breaking too easily and not meeting the standard the company put up for them. The company did their best to fix such issues in later batches but over the next two years, complaints seemed to double. In those two years though, 207 had been named Tacticus by the children though, his left front leg suffered damage and wouldn't allow for him to pull the weight of the blow very far.

The father had recovered though and seeing that the robot might become a financial hole for his family, called up a friend to have them come and examine the Taurtron. What the farmer didn't know was that Amenx was recalling the robots and giving people a slight return of payment, not anywhere near their original investment in the robots but at least enough to satisfy some of the complaining customer. The friend new of this and choose to give his friend what they paid for Tacticus. Seeing as how that was a good bit of money, the farmer agreed though Tacticus found himself confused as to why he was being sold as if he let the family's crops fail, not once had he neglected his task and let the crop wither or go un planted. Still, he didn't fit the stranger as he was put into a storage tank. The friend figured he could wait a few years and try to resell the robot as a rare model as only four hundred of the Taurtrons saw the public and from what he heard, nearly half were broken beyond repair.

Tacticus's new owner was in the process of moving off world and he sent Tacticus's storage box on its own to the Yamatai Capital Homeworld. The ship suffered damage from a meteor shower, resulting in it drifting through space for seventeen years. The cargo ship was picked up and has just landed on the surface of Osman.

YE 39 Having been turned on by Jack Pine, a member of Uso. Tacticus was accepted into the group and while he did struggle for a while in find his place amongst them. He had the aid of Uso and Truffleclub in finding a task that suited him. He ended up employed at the Brass Castle and often he spends a great deal of his time there. Still going and hanging out with Jack now an then and learning of the man's growing family with Izzy. Shortly after, Uso had his body repaired and even took him shopping for a new outfit.

For several months, things went as they normally did. He was actually doing something he enjoyed till one day he ended up crushed by something heavy while working. Someone had noticed him and was quick to get help. However, he awoke to find himself in a real body due to the extreme damage to his old one. What surprised him further was that he was in a Plebeian body!

Tacticus's old body

Skills Learned

Tacticus has the following notable skills:

Ability to speak and understand the English Language.

Knowledge and understanding of planting and harvest crops.

Social Connections

Tacticus is connected to:

Amenx (Manufacture Company)

The Gail Family (First Owners)

Unnamed Family Friend (Second Owner)

Inventory & Finance

Tacticus has the following:

Character Will

In the case I become inactive (gone for more than a month):

Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES.

Can this character be adopted after I'm gone for a year or more? NO

OOC Information

In the case USERNAME becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameTacticus
Character OwnerReadlliea
Character StatusInactive Player Character