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Raven (Samuel Connors)

Raven (Samuel Connors)
Species: Nepleslian Clone
Gender: Male
Age: 1 (appears to be 22)
Height: 5'9“
Weight: 145
Organization: Independent
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Current Placement:

Raven (Samuel Connors) in Roleplay

Raven (Samuel Connors) is a player character played by Centurion.

Preferred Plots:

  1. Bounty Hunters, New Kohana
  2. Taking it Back

Physical Characteristics

Build and Skin Color: He is somewhat tall and has a lithe build. His skin is white.

Eyes and Facial Features: This friendly gentleman has deep-set blue eyes that are like two pools of water. He has an elegant nose and thick eyebrows.

Hair Color and Style: His fine, curly, brown hair is short and is worn in a businesslike manner.

Distinguishing Features: Nothing really significant. Prefers to keep a low profile so he make himself as indistinct as possible

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Most living beings fear death. Most living beings haven’t also come back from beyond death. For the one who now calls himself Raven, death was the greatest rush ever. The adrenaline, the momentarily heightened senses, the utter unimportance of everything that isn’t happening RIGHT NOW – no worldly pleasure was ever so strong. Raven wants it again. Raven NEEDS it. Those who have met Raven swear he worships the last moments of a being’s life as though they were more sacred than all else. Thus he is easier than many to hire for nearly suicidal missions – so long as your quest is more harrowing than the last he was on. Some are confused by his almost chivalric code of combat, but the men and women who have fought beside him know better. There is no honor, no nobility in those eyes. There is only need – the need to prolong the thrill as long as possible and surrender to it.


Family (or Creators)

Jack Connor-Grandfather John Connor-Father

Has no memory of other main family members.


Born in Roger Wilco. Grew up lower middle class rural area. Learned to shoot from his father and grandfather, learned skinning animals as well as surviving in wilderness areas from grandfather and multiple prior military uncles. Joined the Nepleslian Marine Corps shortly before he turned 20. He turned 20 while going through field training and was recognized as one of the better shooters and stalkers in his platoon. Was assigned the job of being an armorer and also as all marines through history should be trained as a rifleman as well. Competent with most weapons and skilled at repairing them to near perfect with limited resources due to his upbringing and his training, learned to make sure that everything is as it should be to prevent anyone from being hurt. Or so he remembers, in reality he's an illegal clone of a Nepleslian marine. He recalls being cloned and assumes it means that he died. In actuality he was illegally cloned by the Black Syndicate to serve as an assassin for them with the skills of being a Marine. However after cloning him the site that performed the operation was overrun and annihilated by the NMX after he left for his first mission. When he returned he found that the group that did it was no more, so he went off on his own and has made his way out to go freelance in order to reequip himself since most of his funding and equipment were destroyed at the same time as the rest of the facility that he was made in.


Escorted woman to starport on one job, received payout and headed to nepleslia to help with the liberation of funky city.

Skill Areas

Fighting and Physical, Fighting (Marksmanship)

Or Fightin’ and Diein’, Marines such as this one are trained to stay fit, to shoot weapons, and to punch someone’s lights out if need be. This includes how to set up a workout regimen by devoting at least an hour a day to physical fitness, how to set up and clean workout equipment, and how to properly cycle through workout types to get a full body workout. Marines who only ever work out their arms are punished! Marines are trained to fire accurately, and in the same direction as other marines, on the HHG ‘High Hybrid Gun’, the Styrling Silver Special .45 Caliber, and the Infantry Assault Weapon (IAW). Marines are taught how to strip down, clean, and put these weapons back together. Finally, marines are taught the basics of hand to hand combat in the form of Nepleslian Marine Self Defense Training.

Power Armor Operation

Marines are cross trained on all power armor types in the military’s inventory but are specifically taught how to pilot the Hostile. This training covers how to move about in the armor, how to deploy and command observation pods, how to use the communication equipment, and how to maintain their NAM HPAR-01a Heavy Penetrating Assault Rifle - “The Money Shot”. Marines are also issued their HPAR Master Set upon completion of this course.

Combat Engineering

Raven can identify, manufacture, handle and dispose of explosives. With the proper tools, he can detect and disarm enemy explosives as wel


He knows how to survive in hostile environments. He can build shelters, hunt and forage for food, build a fire, etc. The character can camouflage himself and is familiar with guerrilla warfare tactics.

Military (Stealth/Camouflage)

Sam can effectively disguise himself, and is trained in stealth techniques. He can move slowly with very little noise, and understands how to make himself inconspicuous when he doesn't wish to be found. He can cover his own tracks. He can also rapidly dig himself into a hide to be almost entirely invisible so that he can snipe enemies from a perfectly concealed area.

Specality: Mechanic

He decided to work on machines more than people and is one of the few who is very good at designing and upgrading cybernetics, tanks, starships, and virtually every other piece of equipment in the Nepleslian inventory. They are responsible for making sure the marines keep up the maintenance on their power armors and for fixing any major problems that are beyond the typical marine's ability to repair.

He has highly technical skills, and knows an abundance of things about science.

Specialty: Sniper Training

Raven learned in the Sniper program that was was largely developed by the 4th fleet with the assistance of Phaedra “Wolf” Volkov. Soldiers are taught how to use and clean the Na-W3301 ‘Scout’ Cannon and the Designated Sharpshooter Rifle, Model 1. They are trained extensively in how to operate these weapons with and without power armors, teaching them things like how to lay prone with your feet turned flat, how to adjust for atmospheric conditions, and to bolt the Na-W3301 ‘Scout’ Cannon down to the ground if it is going to be used without a power armor.

More important than the shoot things aspect of the training, is the seeing things aspect of the training. It is important for a sniper to keep watch for a squad, to pass along important information to where it needs to go, and to call for support when it is needed. All snipers are trained on the ITD 32 target designator and how to use it and a datapad to send requests for orbital laser strikes, fighter attacks, mortar, or even beyond line of sight power armor attacks using mini missiles.


Raven (Samuel Connors) has the following items:


Personal Hygiene




Raven (Samuel Connors) is currently a in the Independent.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
6000 DA Starting Funds
4000 DA 2000 DA Purchased Black Market Type 28 NSP
3000 DA 1000 DA Purchased Emrys Industries Body armor
1300 DA 1700 DA Purchased black market goods
700 DA 1000 DA Purchased 5 boxes of ammo
670 DA 30 DA Scope for SGAR
7470 DA 6800 DA Bounty payment
7370 DA 100 DA Charger base for SGAR
4820 DA 2550 DA Black market purchases
7300 DA 2500 DA Bounty payment
8800 DA 1500 DA Bounty payment
6370 DA 2430 DA Purchase of Model 16 rifle with Standard and Marksman scope, B module, additional barrel shroud and 100 rounds each of I-SLAP, HESH, and I-APE
5800 DA 570 DA Purchase of 200 additional rounds of I-SLAP, HESH, and I-APE as well as 5 additional generic batteries for Model 16 rifle.
5440 DA 360 DA Purchase of 4 additional 50 round mags for Model 16 rifle
Character Data
Character NameRaven (Samuel Connors)
Character OwnerCenturion
Character StatusAdoptable Player Character