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Liam West

Liam West is a Player Character played by Cmd_Jackson.

Liam West
Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 171 cm or 5 ft 7 in
Weight: 56 kg or 123.5 lbs
Organization: Independent
Occupation: Hacker
Rank: N/A
Current Placement:

Preferred Plots:

-Bounty Hunts



Physical Characteristics

* Height: 171 cm or 5 ft 7 in

* Mass: 56 kg or 123.5 lbs

Build and Skin Color: Liam is of a wiry build and pale complexion.

Eyes and Facial Features: Liam has green eyes, small nose and a square face.

Ears: Liam possesses normal human ears.

Hair Color and Style: Liam has short shaggy brown hair.

Distinguishing Features: Liam is left handed.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Liam loves taking risks and is, what some might call, a high achiever. He is the one to go the extra mile, just to mess with the other guy.

When he is on the actual field and a single slip-up could lead to his death, he tries to take on a more serious demeanor and act more business like but he can never keep that up for long and will get carried away.

As a result of this tendency, he has managed to anger rather powerful local individuals forcing him to flee the planet. Whenever he has to get off-world, he either ends up as a stowaway on cargo ships or employed by smugglers for his skills with computers.

Despite having been initially forced to travel, Liam has become accustomed to the changing environments and wishes to see more of the galaxy.

* Likes: Traveling, being reasonably comfortable, testing his abilities

* Dislikes: Getting caught, getting shot, reminders of his past, being tossed out the airlock into space

* Goals: Generally Visiting Random Star Systems,



Steve West (Father, Deceased)

Laura West (Mother, Deceased)


Liam West grew up on the streets of Neplesia after his parents were shot in a shoot out between police and gang forces. He gradually learned to survive on the street and became an adept pickpocket. Then came the day that changed his life forever. He tried and failed to pickpocket an armed Id-Sol. He was chased into the spaceport and would have been eventually caught if he had not managed to hide onboard a departing starship.

It wasn't long before the crew discovered Liam. They gave him two options. They could throw him out the airlock, or he would preform menial labor jobs till they arrived at their next destination. For obvious reasons, Liam choose the latter of the two options. The crew put him to work having him fix and maintain basic parts of the ship. The ship was a smuggler and after the first journey, Liam learned something new about himself. He enjoyed traveling.

Over the course of the next few years, Liam learned more about ship maintenance and his hacking skills progressed exponentially. With bits and pieces of information from the other smugglers Liam has acquired an advanced understanding of most security systems. This knowledge has allowed Liam to be able to hack into advanced systems to sabotage computers or manipulate data logs. Over time, the smugglers began to respect Liam for his abilities with computers, partially because Liam was able to wipe almost all trace of their criminal records from the system.

This went on for a year, until the crew was apprehend at a star port after Liam’s excessive activities were noticed by a custom IDS. While the identity of the intruder was not found, the investigators did discover the contraband on the Smuggling ship. The authorities let them off with a relatively light punishment because this was the first time on record that this crew had attempted to smuggle anything. The ship was confiscated and her crew went their separate ways. In Liam's case, he went back to pickpocketing, hacking, and eventually traveling.

Occasionally smugglers hire him to help them cover their tracks. Other times, when Liam is unable to find a ship willing to take him, he fixes the problem by reprogramming a ships internal sensors not to detect him as he ghosts through the ships corridors for the voyage.


Bounty Hunts

Coming Soon!



Liam was born on Nepleslia and can speak trade.

His travels throughout the galaxy has allowed him to pick up a few words in multiple languages. Not enough to be able to live, but enough to understand a simple situation.

Rogue: Lockpick, Pickpocket, Stealth

Liam grew up the streets and learned the arts of lock picking and pickpocketing with ease. He knows how to disappear into a crowd and hide in plain sight.

What he failed to learn was how to tell who not to try to steal from which ends up getting him into trouble when he pickpockets the wrong man…

Fighting: Evasive

Growing up, Liam has had to fight gang thugs and this has influenced his method of fighting. Realistically, the best way for him to fight angry thugs and civilian security was to escape before he gets trapped. His technique of fighting is based around escape and evasion. All he does is dodge, trip, and runs. Liam can employ these tactics against your average thug with regular success but hasn't won any fights against trained government military.

Liam knows how to use pistols in a gunfight and keeps one on him but prefers to use it as his backup plan.

Physical: Light and Agile

Growing up on the streets where everyone was armed or stronger led Liam to learn how to escape dangerous situations. He is extremely agile and adept at darting around and evading pursuers. In addition to this he has learned to climb most urban structures to gain the element of surprise when dealing with persistent pursuers.

Essentially Liam can run, dodge, climb, and parkour.

Maintenance and Repair

Nobodys perfect and Liam has been caught stowing away on starships on more than one occasion. Fortunately for Liam, he has never gotten marooned or thrown out of the air lock because of it.

Instead, most of the time, the crews put him to work helping fix and maintain parts of the ship. From these experiences, Liam has become adept at repairing the basic parts of a ship.

Technology Operation: Hacker

After joining the crew of a Smuggling ship, Liam got to learn the finer details of the workings of internal sensor sweeps and ships computers. This knowledge has allowed Liam to be able to hack into other systems to sabotage computers or manipulate data logs. These days he uses this skill to allow him to remain undetected onboard ships.


Liam West has the following items:

* 1 Standard Energy Pistol

* 1 Faded T-Shirt, Dark Blue

* 1 Cargo Pants, Grey

* 1 Pair, Combat Boots, Black

* AwesomeCorp DataJockey

Over time, Liam has managed to acquire the materials used in these clothes through both legal and illegal methods.

Name: Liam’s Jacket

Name: Liam’s Visor

Name: Liam’s Gloves

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2014/10/04 14:48 by Cmd_Jackson.


Liam West is currently an Independent Hacker.

Total Savings Addition Subtraction Reason
3000 KS Starting Funds
1675 KS -1325 Equipment Purchases

OOC Discussion

First attempt at a character on this Forum.

Character Data
Character NameLiam West
Character OwnerCmd_Jackson
Character StatusInactive Player Character